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Weekly Update (Oct 11): Grand Finals Decklists

Budget Magic: Boros Warriors (Standard)

Is the Warrior tribe (and some aggressive equipment) the secret for taking down Omnath on a budget in Zendikar Rising Standard? Let's see!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Trade Routes Omnath, Locus of Creation Rick, Steadfast Leader

This week, outside of some craziness on the Reserved List (which I'm not sure even counts as news anymore, since there's craziness with Reserved List prices every week), most of our finance news is tied to Zendikar Rising. Two of the biggest winners of the week were Inkfathom Infiltrator (up 45% to $7.95) and Trade Routes (up 48% to $5.49), both of which are driven by increased Commander play thanks to new Zendikar Rising cards. Inkfathom Infiltrator is one of the best Rogues to play with cards like Zareth San, the Trickster thanks to its unblockability, making it a guaranteed way to cheat Zareth San into play and steal something from an opponent's graveyard. Meanwhile, Trade Routes works really well with the modal double-faced lands, allowing you to play them as lands early in the game and then pick up them up later to use as spells once you have enough mana to cast them. Expect more Zendikar Rising-related Commander cards to increase in price in the coming weeks as players assemble their decks.

On the other hand, the best card from Zendikar Rising - Omnath, Locus of Creation - is our biggest Standard loser of the week, dropping 18% to just over $22, despite the fact that it broke Oko, the Trickster's metagame share record this weekend by being played in 72% of the Standard decks at the Grand Finals. So why is the best and most-played mythics from Zendikar Rising dropping in price? The most likely explanation is that players believe Omnath is too good and is likely to be banned in the near future. There are rumors swirling (based on some weirdness on the Wizards website) that we could be getting a surprised banned list update tomorrow. At this point it might be too late to cash out your copies, and it might not even be necessary as Omnath, Locus of Creation is starting to sneak into formats like Pioneer and Modern which, combined with Commander demand, could help it maintain a high price even if it does get banned in Standard.

Finally, even though the Walking Dead Secret Lair drop doesn't ship in paper for a few months, the cards are already available online and Rick, Steadfast Leader has 5-0ed multiple Legacy leagues in the past week. Whether or not Rick, Steadfast Leader becomes a Legacy staple — or if players are winning despite of Rick rather than because of it — remains to be seen, but it is clear that the Human Soldier isn't that far from being Legacy playable in any case. It currently seems to be preselling for somewhere between $30 and $40, which is surprisingly expensive considering the entire drop costs just $50. Assuming it continues to show up in Legacy decks, it seems likely that the price will continue to rise considering the Secret Lair x The Walking Dead sale ends today.  

Crimmander Interviews: Crim Goes to Tolarian Community College

TheAsianAvenger is interviewing The Prof at the totally real Fishbowl offices and not Tolarian Community College campus...Read more

This Week in Legacy: Walking on Thin Ice

Against the Odds: Dragon Fling (Standard)

Joe Dyer dives into the subject of The Walking Dead Secret Lair and what this means for Legacy. Read more

What are the odds of winning with Leyline Tyrant (by flinging it at the opponent's face with Kazuul's Fury) in Zendikar Rising Standard? Let's find out! Read more

Top 5 Zendikar Rising Cards Under $2 | Commander Quickie

Tomer picks his five favorite new Commander cards from Zendikar Rising that won't hurt your wallet!Read more

Vintage 101: Season Three Showcase Challenge Number One

Much Abrew: Modern Rogues

Joe Dyer looks at the results from the first Showcase event of Season Three! Read more

We know that Rogues are good in Standard, but can some old Rogues from Lorwyn and Morningtide join forces with the new Zendikar Rising additions to make the tribe playable in Modern? Read more

Commander Clash S9 E13: Zendikar Keeps Rising | Ashaya vs. Phylath vs. Verazol vs. Yasharn

We continue to explore Zendikar Rising with four more commanders from the set!Read more

The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy User Decks (October 4-10, 2020)

Single Scoop: Sorin's Lot (Historic, Magic Arena)

What sweet decks did viewers submit this week? Let's find out! Read more

Crim continues the Halloween theme and builds a vampire deck with the addition of Red mana and a few pet cards! Read more

Modal Double-Faced Cards in Commander: You Should Be Playing More

Podcast 297: The Walking Dead Controversy

MDFCs are changing how Seth builds Commander decks. Why are they so powerful in the Commander format? Why should you put more of them in your deck? Let's discuss! Read more

The crew discusses post-ban Zendikar Rising Standard and delves deep into the controversy surrounding The Walking Dead Secret Lair drop. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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Image for Against the Odds: Haunted Lotus (Standard) against the odds
Against the Odds: Haunted Lotus (Standard)

What are the odds of winning with Radiant Lotus in Standard? Let's find out!

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Image for This Week in Legacy: Legacy Data?!? this week in legacy
This Week in Legacy: Legacy Data?!?

Joe Dyer dives into the current status of the Legacy Data Collection Project.

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