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Weekly Update (Aug 30): ZNR Jace and Nahiri

Zendikar Rising Previews

Zendikar Rising previews are here! Previews start in earnest this coming week, but we received both Jace and Nahiri early this week. Be sure to keep up with all the latest previews at

Zendikar Rising Spoilers — August 26 | Jace and Nahiri

Jace and Nahiri are here!Read more

Banned and Restricted Update, August 24, 2020: Field of the Dead Banned in Historic

Field of the Dead is banned in Historic.Read more

Budget Magic: 16 Rack (Modern)

Sometimes, 8 Racks just aren't enough.Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients Radiant, Archangel Doubling Season

The biggest finance news of the week was two early Zendikar Rising previews: Jace, Mirror Mage and Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients. While both planeswalkers have potential to be powerful in Standard, their presales prices are extremely high with both selling for between $20 and $25 on Ebay. To put the current presale price of the Zendikar Rising planeswalkers into context, consider that the only mythics current in Standard that sell for more are best-card-in-multiple-formats Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath at $47, Commander all-star The Great Henge at $28, and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon at $26. Buying Jace, Mirror Mage or Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients now is basically a bet that they will be cross format staples and/or the best cards in Standard, which seems unlikely. While both seem playable and maybe even strong, don't fall for the presale hype trap. It's exceedingly likely you'll be able to get both at a big discount in a month or two if you're willing to wait.

The other trends of the week is a continuation of last week's Reserved List buyouts, this time lead by Radiant, Archangel, which shot up from $4.50 to $29.50. According to EDHRec, Radiant, Archangel is fairly unpopular as a commander (the 52nd most played white commander) and played in 0% of commander decks overall. The fact that Radiant, Archangel isn't playable in any other format makes this a purely speculative Reserved List buyout. Also bought out on the Reserved List this week: Carrion, Well of Knowledge, Femeref Enchantress, Recurring Nightmare, and Rainbow Vale, all of which at least doubled in price.

Finally, checking on Double Masters, prices are still dropping, but only slightly. On the week, a complete set of Double Masters lost just over 4% of its value. Prices on many of the best and most expensive cards in the set have stabilized, which probably means it's a good time to start picking up the singles you need. Assuming we don't get another surprise reprint, over the long term, the trajectory of cards like Mana Crypt, Force of Will, the Swords, Doubling Season, and friends is likely up. The next couple of months will likely be the floor of many of these cards until their next reprinting. 

Much Abrew: Should Field of the Dead Be Banned in Historic?

The Reserved List: Its History, Its Future, and the "Foil Loophole"

Historic is awesome, but Field of the Dead might be a bit too awesome now that Hour of Promise is in the format. Does the land need to be banned in another format? Let's play some games and find out! Read more

The prices of Reserved List cards players need to play Commander are getting out of control. Thankfully, history shows the list can change, and there might be an easy loophole to allow Reserved List reprints. Read more

41 New Partners Coming In Commander Legends! Good or Bad?

Single Scoop: Garruk & Company (Historic)

Tomer goes over the announcement of 41 new partner cards, why he loves partners, but also why he's worried about them! Read more

A Garruk Themed stompy deck might have what it takes to attack the best of one meta when it's in good company. Read more

This Week in Legacy: The Song of Storms

Vintage 101: Season Two Showcase Qualifier

Joe Dyer looks at a sweet niche combo deck involving the card Song of Creation! Read more

Joe Dyer talks about the Season Two Showcase Qualifier event on Magic Online! Read more

Against the Odds: Nine Lives Lock (Historic)

What are the odds of winning by locking opponents out of the game with Nine Lives and Solemnity in Historic? Let's find out!Read more

Single Scoop: Undead Company! (Historic, Magic Arena)

Having A Bloody Good Time With Edgar Markov | EDH Gameplay | Vampire Tribal | $160

Collected Company is a great card but is it good enough to make the zombie horde a respectable tribe in Historic? Read more

Sink your fangs into this frightfully good gameplay video and bite-sized deck Markoverview! Read more

Commander Clash S9 E7: Anything Goes | Emiel vs. Marchesa vs. Nazahn vs. Sisay

The Goldfish Crew bring to the table any deck they feel like playing this week!Read more

Historic 101: Did Somebody Say Dragons!?

The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy User Decks (August 23-29, 2020)

Dragons!? WHERE!? Read more

What sweet decks did users submit this week? Let's see! Read more

Top 10 Weirdest Old Magic Card Arts

Podcast 291: A Fair and Balanced Magic Card

Today's Magic art is tightly designed and controlled by Wizards, but in the early years of Magic some really weird art managed to see print. Here's the top ten weird MTG arts from the early years of the game! Read more

The crew discusses Historic bannings, Commander Collection: Green and Commander Legends before answering #MTGFishmail. Read more

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