Weekly Update (Sep 17): My Copies Copy My Copies
My Copies Copy my Copies | Brewer's Kitchen |
Brewer's Kitchen creates copies that copy his copies. Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest news is Wilds of Eldraine, and more specifically Agatha's Soul Cauldron. While the artifact was relatively expensive during preview season, floating between $15 and $20, this past week it has jumped all the way up above $45 thanks primarily to top tier Modern play in both Yawgmoth Combo and Hardened Scales. Despite this increase, the card might still have untapped potential, especially in Commander, where it currently shows up in just 1% of decks according to EDHRec. Every time I've played the card I've been super impressed with both its power and flexibility. As such, I expect its Commander prevalence to rise, which combined with Modern play, could help keep the price of Agatha's Soul Cauldron high. Outside of Beseech the Mirror, it seems to be the chase card from the set.
Speaking of Wilds of Eldraine sleepers, yesterday for Much Abrew we played Naya Pia Nalaar Tokens which is probably by far my current favorite Standard deck. The goal is to chain together impulse draw with Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival on the battlefield to make a massive board Thopter tokens and win the game by pumping them with Virtue of Loyalty (showcase). Thanks to the hype for the deck, two key cards from the archetype increased about 30% on the week. The first is Questing Druid, which climbed to $4 as a combo of impulse draw and threat while the finisher Virtue of Loyalty (showcase) rose to $7. While perhaps not on the same level as a few years ago, this does suggest that at least some people still play paper Standard and that new decks in the format can move the market. Keep an eye on the results from Worlds next weekend. If there's another new breakout deck, the key cards from it could shoot up in price as well.
Finally in Commander, Faeries are still on the rise thanks to the Wilds of Eldraine precon deck. This week it was the extra turn spell Notorious Throng (up 49% to $3.29) and even the common Spellstutter Sprite (up 27% to over $5). I'm not sure what else to say other than this happens every set. If you plan to pick up a precon and upgrade it, try to snag your upgrades as quickly as possible because if you don't, you will end up paying more because a lot of other players are going to be doing the same thing. This increases the demand for (and decreases the supply of) the upgrades, leading to higher prices.
The Least Balanced Cycles in the History of Magic: the Gathering |
Ideally when Wizards printed a cycle all the cards will be at least somewhat similar in power, but this doesn't always happen. Today we look at the most hilariously unbalanced cycles in Magic's history.Read more
Single Scoop: Tamiyo's House of Mouse |
We're looking to play a token game plan in the early game and then Tamiyo, Compleated Sage and Three Blind Mice can grind out the late game in standard!Read more
Podcast 450: Cascade and Naya and Golgari and Faeries |
The crew talks about the impact of Wilds of Eldraine on various constructed formats and answers #MTGFishmail!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 112: Adventures Tier List |
The crew ranks the best adventure cards. Read more
This Week in Legacy: The Masters of European Legacy |
Joe Dyer covers the European Legacy Masters event at 4Seasons!Read more
Against the Odds: Infinite Turtle Power Combo (Standard) |
What are the odds of making an infinitely powerful creature in Wilds of Eldraine Standard with Blossoming Tortoise? Let's find out!Read more
Vintage 101: Beseeching the Mirror |
Joe Dyer dives into new cards with Beseech the Mirror in Vintage!Read more
Single Scoop: Windgrace's Pet Tortoise |
Windgrace has a new pet in Blossoming Tortoise that will allow us to play the lands game with a mini combo with Draconic DestinyRead more
Much Abrew: Naya Pia Tokens (Standard) |
Is Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival and a huge horde of Thopter tokens the savior Standard needs to break Sheoldred's grasp? Let's find out!Read more
We Play Wilds of Eldraine! | Commander Clash S15 E15 |
The crew builds decks around the new Wilds of Eldraine commanders!Read more
The Power of Pauper: Inside and Out |
Joe Dyer dives into Inside Out, a combo deck not based on a Pixar movie!Read more
Single Scoop: Ashiok Staff Infection |
Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator's passive is huge for Staff of Compleation! We can now proliferate and mill our opponent's to death in Standard!Read more
Tournament Center |
- peppe took down 2023 (standard) with Esper Midrange.
- lp28wynk took down Kurisus Grand Prix Season WOE Round1-Standard (standard) with Esper Legends.