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Weekly Update (Oct 7): Week One Standard Decks

Banned and Restricted Update, October 1 2018: No Changes


No changes to any formats.Read more

Budget Magic: $83 (33 tix) Izzet Drakes (Standard)

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Can Crackling Drake join Enigma Drake to make a sweet budget spellslinging deck for Guilds of Ravnica Standard?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

History of Benalia Siren Stormtamer Vexing Devil

This week the big news is Guilds of Ravnica Standard and cards moving around based on the new format. The biggest winner of the week is History of Benalia (up 81% to $26) which is showing up across guilds and archetypes as the premier three-drop in the format. Meanwhile, Siren Stormtamer nearly doubled to over $5 thanks to the success of the ultra-cheap Mono-Blue Aggro deck. Expect more changes after we get results from this weekend's tournaments and players start to figure out what cards and decks are performing best in the new format.

Meanwhile in Modern Vexing Devil increased 36% on the week to over $12 based on hype for a new Zoo build taking advantage of Pelt Collector (which is currently $9 itself). If the deck ever posts a paper finish, it's very possible that Vexing Devil shoots up to $20. Avacyn Restored was a long time ago and the one-drop has never been reprinted.

Finally, as for Guilds of Ravnica as a whole, the set basically has the same price today as it did when we published the expected value article last week, with a drop of just 1.6%. Expect cards to start trending down over the next month, and even more so once Magic Online redemption starts. But for now, you should still about break even if you open a box, and do even better if you manage to snag the Impervious Greatwurm buy a box promo from your local game store.

The Expected Value of Guilds of Ravnica

Much Abrew: Mono-Blue Faeries (Modern)

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How much value should you expect to open from a box of Guilds of Ravnica? Let's find out! Read more

How does the Faerie tribe match up with our current Modern format? How many opponents can we lock with Mistbind Clique? Let's see! Read more

Guilds of Ravnica: Top 10 Standard Cards

Guilds of Ravnica: Top 10 Modern Cards

Grn top10 standard Grn top10 modern

What cards from Guilds of Ravnica are best for Standard? Seth and CVM break it down! Read more

What Guilds of Ravnica cards have a chance to break out in Modern? Richard and Seth count them down! Read more

Commander Review: Guilds of Ravnica Part 2 (Red, Green, Colorless, Multi-Color, Lands)

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Tomer gets to the multicolor sweetness, wrapping up his Commander review of Guilds of Ravinca!Read more

Deep Tracks: Selesnya

Lessons from the Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease

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Selesnya combines the power of law and the purity of nature. We're scanning Old School 93/94, Worlds 2005, and Standard for the secrets of this Guild of Ravnica! Read more

What to do when you first and second choice guilds are sold out. Read more

Against the Odds: Thousand-Year Storm (Standard)

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What are the odds of winning with Thousand-Year Storm in Guilds of Ravnica Standard? Let's find out!Read more

Vintage 101: Papa's Got a Brand New Bag

Commander Clash S5 E13: Mono White Week! (Brigid vs. Eight-and-a-Half-Tails vs. Evra vs. Teshar)

Papas brand new survival Commander clash week13

Joe Dyer talks about the current state of Vintage in the post Power Nine Series world! Read more

We couldn't get all the new GRN cards for this recording so instead all of us are building a deck using the worst mono color! Yay! Read more

Enter the Arena (#Sponsored MTG Arena Guilds of Ravnica Preview Stream, Standard) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 191: Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease and Arena Open Beta

Arena preview stream higlights Podcast white

In celebration of the MTG Arena open beta we take a cruise though GRN Standard! Read more

The crew talks about their Guilds of Ravnica prerelease experience and MTG Arena's move from closed to open beta. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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