Weekly Update (Jun 20): Chatterfang Squirrels
Secret Lair Spoilers — All Natural, Totally Refreshing Superdrop |
A new Secret Lair Superdrop!Read more
Budget Magic: $99 Real Affinity (Modern) |
Can a real Affinity deck built around the affinity-for-artifacts mechanic compete in Modern, thanks to new Modern Horizons 2 additions like artifact lands, Thought Monitor, and Sojourner's Companion? Let's find out!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week, once again, most of our finance news is related to the release of Modern Horizons 2. The biggest winner this week was Greater Auramancy, which is suddenly in demand as Modern Enchantress potentially becomes a real deck thanks to some new Modern Horizons 2 additions. The enchantment more than doubled in price to $114, which I believe makes it the most expensive card in the Modern format (narrowly beating out Force of Negation which ticked up 17% to $103). The good news is that Greater Auramancy isn't necessary to play Modern Enchantress. There are currently two builds of Enchantress in Modern, a more prison-style build that plays Greater Auramancy, and a more traditional Enchantress build that doesn't. My advice would be to sell or trade your copies of Greater Auramancy into the price spike. The main reason it's so expensive is that it has never been reprinted, and you can bet that at its current price point it will surely be high on Wizards list of future Masters set reprints.
This week also saw Brawl precon exclusive Shimmer Dragon (brawl deck) increase 75% to $5 with the six-drop seeing an increase in Commander play thanks to Lonis, Cryptozoologist. We've talked about this before, but with the release of the Brawl decks almost two years ago, supply is drying up, with several Brawl exclusives (Chulane, Teller of Tales (brawl deck), Korvold, Fae-Cursed King (brawl deck), Tome of Legends (brawl deck)) creeping up in price in recent weeks. If you still need some of these cards for your collection, it's probably wise to pick them up now as prices are likely to keep rising until they are reprinted. Another option is picking up the decks themselves. With a bit of luck, you can find deals on Ebay to pick up all four decks for around $120 - a solid deal for four shocklands, a $40 Smothering Tithe, and a few other $5 to $10 cards.
Finally, checking in with Modern Horizons 2 itself. Prices are trending down with the set as a whole losing almost 30% of its value in the past weeks. The expected value of sealed boxes is normalizing as well, with draft boosters down to $350, set boosters at $500, and collector boosters $729 - a nearly 50% decline from when we first started tracking the value of the set a couple of weeks ago. It's also worth mentioning that fetchlands have all started to tick back up in price a bit over the past couple of days. If you're planning to use Modern Horizons 2 as an opportunity to pick them up on the cheap, I wouldn't wait too long and it's possible they are already at their floor.
Against the Odds: Chatterfang Squirrels (Modern) |
What are the odds of winning with a scurry of Squirrels lead by Chatterfang, Squirrel General in Modern? Let's find out!Read more
Podcast 333: Magic Goes To the Upside Down (Stranger Things) |
The crew discusses Urza's Saga in Modern, the EV of #MTGMH2, Stranger Things Secret Lair drop, CEDH and answers #MTGFishmail.Read more
This Week in Legacy: The Delver Conundrum |
Joe Dyer dives into the conundrum surrounding Delver in the wake of Modern Horizons 2!Read more
Single Scoop: Jeskai Amnesia (Historic, Magic Arena) |
This week, TheAsianAvenger tries to Induce Amnesia on his opponents to leave their hands mostly empty. Read more
Single Scoop: SelesNyan (Historic, Magic Arena) |
TheAsianAvenger pilots the Perrrrfect deck through the Historic ladder!Read more
Vintage 101: Modern Vintage 2 |
Joe Dyer looks at the impact of Modern Horizons 2 in the first two weeks of Vintage!Read more
Against the Odds: 5C CoCo Token Combo (Modern) |
What are the odds of winning with a ridiculous five-color Collected Company token combo deck fueled by Lonis, Academy Manufactor and Chatterfang? Let's find out!Read more
Commander Clash: Modern Horizons 2 Commanders | S10 E20 |
The crew builds decks around the new Modern Horizons 2 commanders!Read more
Much Abrew: Bugler Rat Lock (Historic) |
Is it possible to lock Historic opponents out of the game with the combo of Burglar Rat, Journey to Eternity, and Phyrexian Tower? Let's play some games and find out!Read more
The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy Viewer Decks (June 13-19, 2021) |
What interesting decks did viewers submit this week? Let's find out!Read more
Modern Mayhem: Dauthi Rogues |
Is Dauthi Voidbringer the power boost Rogues needed? TheAsianAvenger pilots a Rogue deck through a Modern League!Read more
Tournament Center |
- Sam Beaulieu took down Insight Esports Presents: Tier 1 $5,000 Historic Open (historic) with WU.
- Eduardo Soto took down 5CH INTER TIENDAS by (5CH LATAM SERIES) (standard) with Sultai Control.
- Sean Hunter took down CFB Pro Showdown June 2021 (standard) with Naya Adventures.
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: