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Weekly Update (Jul 15): Commander 2018 Themes, Week One Standard

Commander 2018 Preliminary Decks and Artwork

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Commander 2018 deck names and new artwork!Read more

Budget Magic: $99 (31 tix) UW Naban (Modern)

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Does Naban, Dean of Iteration have what it takes in Modern, backed by some annoying Wizards and Restoration Angel?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Liliana, Untouched by Death Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants Brightling

In Standard, the combination of Core Set 2019 releasing and a rotation just a few months in the future means the general trend is down, although a handful of Core Set 2019 mythics managed to increase on the week. Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants and Liliana, Untouched by Death both jumped 9% after getting a lot of early hype for Standard in WB Knights and Zombies respectively, while the Buy-A-Box promo Nexus of Fate shot back up to $25 on the back of its tiny supply and Commander demand. Otherwise, nearly all of the M19 mythics ticked down as players and stores start to crack boxes.

If you cracked some Battlebond a few weeks ago, Brightling is now a $40 card after being as low as $6 around when the set released. People are testing the three-drop in Legacy Death and Taxes, and with a team Pro Tour on the horizon in a few weeks (which includes Legacy), there's more interest in the format than usual. Unfortunately, even Legacy Death and Taxes players are split on whether Brightling is better than other options like Mirran Crusader, so if you have copies, you should probably sell them soon to maximize your value just in case Brightling doesn't catch on in the format.

Finally, we got our first peak at Commander 2018 this week. While we didn't get any cards (spoilers start July 23rd), we did get the themes of the decks: UR Artifacts, Jund Lands, Esper "top of your deck matters," and Bant Enchantments. While some of these themes are vague, Commander decks always cause older cards to spike as players update their decks. If you can guess right on some good UR Artifact or Bant Enchantment cards that aren't in the set before spoilers start next week, you'll save yourself some money in the long run (and potentially be in line for a tidy profit).

The Expected Value of Core Set 2019

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How much value should you expect to open in a box of Core Set 2019? Let's find out!Read more

Much Abrew: Three-Drop Stompy (Modern)

Deep Tracks: Nicol Bolas

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How many three-drops is too many in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

Old School Reanimator, Grixis Training Grounds, and the most powerful Elder Dragon in the multiverse... let's take a deeper look! Read more

Against the Odds: Liliana's Adaptation (Standard)

Liliana adaptation

M19 is here! What are the odds of winning with Liliana's Contract in Standard? Let's find out!Read more

Core Set 2019 — Top 10 Commander Cards

Core Set 2019 — Top 10 Modern Cards

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What Core Set 2019 cards are best for Commander? Tomer and Seth break it down! Read more

Richard and Seth break down the best Modern cards from Core Set 2019! Read more

Commander Clash S5 Episode 1: Anything Goes!

Commander clash week1

We're back! New season means new roster change and so much more! Clicky clicky!Read more

Rough Drafts: Core Set 2019

Contract From Below: Promissory Estoppel and the Reserved List

Rough drafts m19 Contract from below

Core Set 2019 is here. How does the new set play in draft? Let's find out! Read more

This is the first in a six-part series in which Scott Peitzer, an attorney and Legacy player, analyzes the legal issues if Wizards were to abolish the Reserved List. Read more

Deconstructed: Mirage

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Deconstructed is a new series that looks at the history of Magic through the frame of one set. Today, Mirage!Read more

This Week in Legacy: Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe Are Banned - Part 2

Podcast 180: M19 Prerelease, Ancient Stirrings, SDCC Promos

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Sean continues his exploration of the Legacy format in the wake of Deathrite and Probe's banning, looking at unfair decks. Read more

The crew discuss their M19 prerelease events, Grand Prix Sao Paulo and Ancient Stirrings, and the new San Diego Comic Con promos. Read more

50 Shades of Gray (Non-Budget Obliterator Devotion, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Obliterator devotion stream highlights

How does Obliterator Devotion work without the budget restriction? Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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