Weekly Update (Feb 11): Karlov Manor Tier Lists
Secret Lair Spoilers — February 5 | 2024 Winter Superdrop |
Secret Lair Spoilers for the 2024 Winter SuperdropRead more
Commander Clash Podcast 133: Murders at Karlov Manor Tier List |
Let's rank the best cards from Murders at Karlov Manor!Read more
Ranking All Murders at Karlov Manor Commander Precons |
Tomer analyzes and ranks all the new MKC precons!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, it is all about Murders at Karlov Manor. Among the biggest gainers this week were the new surveil lands with Undercity Sewers (up 161% to $6.49), Underground Mortuary (up 123% to $6), and Thundering Falls (up 87% to $5) leading the way. Early reports suggests that the lands are actually very strong in Modern and might be new staples with a copy or two showing up in a bunch of different decks. They should also see heavy Commander play. The Innistrad dual lands and Triomes are closer to $20, while these are under $5 and legal in Standard for the next three years; I wouldn't be surprised if right now is the cheapest these lands will be for the next several years, if not ever. If you've been waiting to pick them up, my advice is to do it now. I fully expect they'll end up $10 or $15 in the not super distant future.
Speaking of Murders, Cryptic Coat shot to the moon this week, gaining nearly 700% to just under $9. The equipment is seeing some Standard play, and more importantly showing up in Modern deck decks like Stoneblade and Hammer Time. While Cryptic Coat was certainly undervalued during preview season, I'm not sure how much higher it can go. At $9, it's already the most expensive rare in Murders at Karlov Manor. I'd lean towards selling into the hype. $10-$12 seems to be around the ceiling for Standard-legal rares that see eternal play but not heavy Commander play (see Tishana's Tidebinder (borderless), Leyline Binding and friends). Even if Cryptic Coat is very good, it's probably not going much higher.
Finally in Commander, Dolmen Gate is on the rise thanks to Anzrag, the Quake-Mole (showcase Dossier) with the artifact increasing 69% to $24. While preventing all damage to your attacking creatures seems good in Anzrag, I'm honestly not sure Dolmen Gate is worth a slot in most Anzrag decks. I'm playing the Mole God for Commander Clash next week and considered adding Dolmen Gate, but in the end it didn't quite make the cut. I'd be careful about buying the artifact. Its current price is mostly driven by the fact it's nearly 20 years old and hasn't really been heavily reprinted (with its only reprints being The List and Mystery Boosters). Once Wizards finally fully reprints the card - which they certainly will - it will likely fall down to under $10 and probably closer to $5 because it doesn't really see heavy play.
The Complete History of the Modern Meta |
From its birth in 2011 to 4,000 player tournaments to the current Modern Horizons fueled madness, this is the complete history of the Modern Magic: the Gathering meta.Read more
Podcast 470: The Long Awaited Sorcery Speed Counterspell |
The crew talks Murders at Karlov Manor, new Secret Lairs, Wizards shockingly lacking quality control and answers #MTGFishmail!Read more
Single Scoop: We Love Janky Amalia Combos |
Amalia Benavides Aguirre has a combo that we'd love to EXPLORE >:3Read more
This Week in Legacy: One Month into 2024 |
Joe Dyer dives into the first month of the year with the first of 2024's metagame reviews!Read more
Against the Odds: The Biggest Villainous Wealth Ever |
What are the odds of winning by stealing all the opponent's cards with the biggest Villainous Wealth ever? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Bard Class is Timeless Legal |
WAIT A MINUTE. YOU'RE TELLING ME RAGAVAN CAN BE FREE? Well, lets see if these gruul legendaries can take down Timeless.Read more
Vintage 101: A Look at the Vintage Metagame in 2024 |
Joe Dyer dives into the current state of Vintage in the first month of 2024.Read more
Much Abrew: Goblin Bombardment (Timeless) |
Goblin Bombardment is a super cool card. Let's use it to throw some Bloodghasts are our opponent's face in Timeless!Read more
Murders at Karlov Manor Precons | Commander Clash S16 E4 |
The crew checks out the new Murders at Karlov Manor Commander precons!Read more