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Much Abrew: Goblin Bombardment (Timeless)

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition of Much Abrew About Nothing! Goblin Bombardment has long been one of my favorite cards. It's such a powerful and unique engine for a sacrifice deck, but it is good enough to compete in Timeless? That's what we're going to find out today! Our deck's goal is to flood the board with creatures, with the help of Seasoned Pyromancer, Orcish Bowmasters, and friends; maybe do some sneaky sacrifice loops with Bloodghast, thanks to its ability to return from our graveyard to the battlefield for free; drop a Mayhem Devil—essentially a Panharmonicon for Goblin Bombardment—to double up our damage; and close out the game with a mass of sacrifices! How good is Goblin Bombardment in Timeless? Let's find out on today's Much Abrew About Nothing!

Much Abrew: Goblin Bombardment

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Overall, Goblin Bombardment felt great! We went 4-1 in our video matches, only losing to a nut draw from the Primeval Titan Field of the Dead deck, and overall, we're 9-1 with the deck, which is great! While the deck doesn't have a lot of raw power, it's overloaded with sneaky synergy that makes it really tricky for most decks to stop. We can pick up grindy, slow wins by chump blocking and sacrificing our creature for damage or, if necessary, go for fast combo kills. If we have Mayhem Devil and Goblin Bombardment with a reasonable board, it's actually pretty easy to deal 10 or 20 damage in one big turn! If you're looking for something fun and different to play in Timeless, give Goblin Bombardment a shot. The deck is actually pretty strong and a blast to play!

Anyway, that's all for today. As always, leave your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and suggestions in the comments, and you can reach me on Twitter @SaffronOlive or at

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