Weekly Update (Sep 06): CoCo Slivers, Oath of the Gatewatch
mtggoldfish // Sep 7, 2015
Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

We received only three spoilers this past week, but hold tight — spoilers start in earnest this Monday at 11am Eastern. Be sure to check out the Battle for Zendikar spoilers page for all the latest cards. Oh, and before we leave the topic of spoilers, the names of the new planeswalkers were revealed: Ob Nixilis Reignited and Kiora, Master of the Depths. I'll just leave the new Kiora artwork here:

Oath of the Gatewatch was announced as the next set in the Battle for Zendikar block. It releases Jan 22 with 184 cards and will also contain 20 not-yet-announced Zendikar Expedition cards. Be sure to checkout our Oath of the Gatewatch page for the latest information.
Budget Magic: $75 (41 tix) Standard Post-Rotation Pyromancer's Goggles
Rotation is coming! So today we present not one, but two rotation-proof builds of Pyromancer's Goggles. Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

The last two weeks have been very good for Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (up 11 percent to $39.99) as he has seen play in every major competitive format from Vintage, to Legacy and Modern, to Standard. While I'm still not ready to deem the new Jace eternal playable, the very fact that people are trying out the flipwalker in older formats is more than you can say for most new cards. If six months from now people are still jamming Jace, Vryn's Prodigy in Modern and Legacy, we'll have a big story on our hands and there will be real potential for Jace, Vryn's Prodigy to maintain a significant price tag long term. Or now I'm cautiously optimistic about his future and would hold off on buying copies unless you need them for Standard.
People are buying anything that is good, might be good, or even clearly isn't good with the new Eldrazi — all the way down to Animist's Awakening (up 58% to $2.54). I'm starting to wonder if people are even reading the cards anymore; I mean, Animist's Awakening might be the worst Cultivate ever.You have to cast it for five or six mana to expect it to hit two lands (depending on the number of lands in your deck). This is just another example of irrational, hype-driven behavior that is the norm during spoiler season. You don't even need to buy good cards to make money: you just need to buy cards that other players will (often irrationally) think might be good. I fully expect Animist's Awakening, See the Unwritten, and maybe even Shaman of the Forgotten Ways to come back to earth once people start actually testing the cards — if you have copies, I would look to cash them in now while the hype is high.
Finally, we are only five weeks away from Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar, so keep your eyes on Magic Origins mythics that could be ready to break out in the fresh, post-rotation format. The mythics that have not yet seen significant play are down between 50 and 75 percent from their preorder prices. Day's Undoing is currently less that $7, Erebos's Titan is $3.50, Demonic Pact is under $5, and Kytheon, Hero of Akros is under $10. Magic Origins has a relatively short "product opening window" with Battle for Zendikar releasing about 10 weeks after Magic Origins and Magic Online has been having issues with redemption, both of which could lower the supply of Origins mythics. While most of these cards will likely stay flat or continue to lose a bit week-over-week until they find a home, they also all have the potential to double-up over night if they see heavy play in BFZ Standard. If you have one (or more) Magic Origins mythics you feel strongly about, place your bets now while the world is focused on Battle for Zendikar spoilers.
The Financial Impact of BFZ: Full Art Basics, Shocks, Fetches and New Duals
The Financial Impact of BFZ: Expeditions Meta-Discusson, Gideon, and Ulamog
Where will the price settle on all the new BFZ lands? Read more
Ulamog and Gideon are the two flashiest cards spoiled from BFZ, but if you're expecting a hefty price tag, you're in for a surprise. Read more
Battle for Zendikar Spoiler Limited Review for August 30
EDH Finance: Rotation and BFZ Spoilers
Limited Review of Battle for Zendikar spoilers from PAX Prime. Read more
CMDTower brings you his EDH targets from rotation and BFZ spoilers. Read more
Budget Commander: Selvala, Explorer Returned ($57)
The elfball keeps on rollin' rollin'...Read more
Dropping the Beat with Modern R&B
Cuddly Soft Combo #4
Check out a revisited and tuned RB Midrange decklist for Modern. Read more
Kithkin are just as deadly as Goblins and I can prove it! Read more
While Infect took down SCG Cincinnati, the deck that stole the show was CoCo Slivers by Adam Bowman. Take a gander at this Top 8 beauty and welcome our Sliver Overlords: