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Weekly Update (Oct 9): Call the Bloodline Promo, Scoops

December FNM Promo: Call the Bloodline

Call the bloodline featured

December's FNM promo is Call the Bloodline.Read more

Introducing Scoops

Introducing Scoops, the Greatest Fish in the Multiverse:

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Join Scoops in his adventures around the multiverse with the official MTGGoldfish token collection. You can read about Scoops and his run-in with the infamous goblin Krenko, his time spent in the service of Elpseth, Sun's Champion, a little mishap on Innistrad with Liliana, and of course, his latest adventures on the aetherpunk-plane of Kaladesh.

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Pre-orders are available at for tokens featuring Scoops as a Goblin, Thopter, Zombie, or Soldier. You can grab them as singles, multi-packs, or even get a set signed by SaffronOlive. Orders ship starting October 17, so be sure to save your set today! International shipping available. Shop Now

Budget Magic: $98 (39 tix) Modern GB Zombies

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Do the new additions from Eldritch Moon give Zombies enough power to compete in Modern? Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Smuggler's Copter Chandra, Torch of Defiance Pia Nalaar

The biggest financial news of the week is the rise of the looter scooter. Smuggler's Copter, which dominated the first week of Kaladesh Standard, jumped 42% up to $17.46 after being as low as $3 during presales. The bigger question is where does Smuggler's Copter go from here? So far, there is little agreement among the financial community. Probably the safest bet is to wait out next weekend's Pro Tour Kaladesh. With a good showing, Smuggler's Copter could spike even higher, and even if it doesn't have a great performance, it seems unlikely to crash too hard over the next handful of days. Plan on selling after the Pro Tour either way, it's just too hard for a rare to hold $20, especially in a Masterpiece set.

As for the rest of Kaladesh, the biggest losers are the planeswalkers, which didn't put up much of a showing on week one. Chandra, Torch of Defiance is nearly down to $30 after being over $50 a couple weeks ago. Meanwhile, Nissa, Vital Force, Dovin Baan, and Saheeli Rai each dropped between 10% and 15% on the week. On the other hand, Kaladesh cards that saw heavy play on week one, including Scrapheap Scrounger, Pia Nalaar, Aether Hub, and Skysovereign, Consul Flagship, each jumped between 30% and 60%. Supply will continue to enter the market over coming weeks as the set is opened, and I'd lean towards selling now while prices are high.

Finally, in the world of Magic Online, there's still a lot of confusion as to what will happen with prices now that there's a steady source of supply of older cards from Treasure Chests. While most of the numbers suggest the supply isn't extreme, it doesn't take that much supply to drive down prices for cards with little demand. At this point the future is murky, and while I don't plan on selling off my collection, I may look at selling down cards I don't use often because holding them feels like a foolish investment.

Much Abrew About Nothing: Esper Brain Gifts (Modern)

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Can we fuse our way to victory with Brain in a Jar and Beck // Call in Modern? Read more

Do Week One Results Actually Matter?

This Week in Legacy: September Wrap-Up

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Does doing well during the first week of a Standard format really mean anything? When should you buy your Standard deck? Let's discuss! Read more

Sean analyzes the metagame for the month of September and looks at where the new Kaladesh cards are found. Read more

Playing Pauper: Burn

Sphinx's Revelation #14: Storm's A-Comin'

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Watch Jake burn out his opponents in a fiery blaze of red burn spells Read more

Try to beat Earl in this Legacy-themed puzzle! Read more

Against the Odds: Troll Song Naya


What are the odds of winning with Mayael's Aria in Modern? We're about to figure it out. Also, we literally get to troll opponents!Read more

Observations on the Instant-Speed Tricks in Kaladesh

Vintage 101: LCV Technology

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What to remember to play around in Kaladesh Limited. Read more

Take a look at some European Vintage tech with Islandswamp! Read more

Kaladesh: Top 10 Commander Cards

Brewer's Minute: Beating the Looter Scooter

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Tomer joins Seth to break down the top 10 Commander cards from Kaladesh! Read more

Smuggler's Copter is everywhere, which means that no matter what deck we play, we need to have an answer. What options does each color have? Read more

Commander Clash S2 Episode 9: White Elephant

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The crew designs decks for someone else in the group to play!Read more

Spirit Bomb or Bust? (UW Spirits, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 089: Week One Standard, Magic Online Treasure Chests, and Redemption

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Can an upgraded Budget Magic deck sweep a Modern League? Time for spooky ghosts! Read more

The crew discusses the Kaladesh Week One Standard Metagame, Magic Online Treasure Chests, and Redemption. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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