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Weekly Update (Oct 22): Revolt Treasure Ramp

Budget Magic: $86 (52 tix) Revolt Treasure Ramp (Standard)

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Do Treasure tokens finally make revolt playable in Standard, backed by some ramp and huge finishers? Let's see!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Legion's Landing Treasure Map Vraska, Relic Seeker

It's been a pretty quiet week on the finance front. In fact, the three biggest winners in Standard—The Scarab God, Anointed Procession, and Botanical Sanctum—are the same as last week. All eyes are on Pro Tour Ixalan, coming in two weeks, which is the next (and perhaps last) chance for a huge shakeup in the format before Rivals of Ixalan in a couple of months. If you have some sleepers you think could break out on Magic's biggest stage, the time to pick them up is now.

As for Ixalan itself, most cards are trending down, but three cards from the Abzan Tokens decks are on the rise: Legion's Landing, Treasure Map (both gaining about 30% on the week), and Vraska, Relic Seeker (up 9% to $15.53). While the deck is putting up solid results primarily on Magic Online, the big test is yet to come at the Pro Tour. If the deck performs well we could easily see Treasure Map and Legion's Landing double up to near $10, while Vraska, Relic Seeker could end up near $25. On the other hand, if the Pro Tour is all Temur Energy and Ramunap Red, all of these card will start trending back down.

In older formats, Ice Cauldron (up 940% to $5) is the latest Reserved List buyout. It just goes to show that literally any card from any Reserved List set can be bought out at any moment. While it's unlikely many of you needed a copy of Ice Cauldron, if there are any janky bulk cards on the Reserved List that you do need, get them now before someone buys them out for no apparent reason.

Much Abrew: Umbral Mantle Combo (Modern)

Ixalan Standard and One-Set Blocks

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Does Umbral Mantle have what it takes to compete in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

Kaladesh mechanics are dominating Standard, while Ixalan tribes are struggling. What does this means for the future of Standard? Read more

Possibility Storm #4: Ixalan

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Can you find the right line to win this turn?Read more

This Week in Legacy: Ixalan Technology

Vintage 101: Everybody's Working for the (Eternal) Weekend

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This week Sean looks at new Ixalan technology being incorporated! Read more

Join Islandswamp as he talks about Eternal Weekend 2017! Read more

Against the Odds: Sunbird's Invocation (Standard)

Sunbirds invocation

What are the odds of using Sunbird's Invocation to win with Tishana, Voice of Thunder and Heart-Pierce Manticore in Standard?Read more

Whirring for Wins in Modern

Brewer's Minute: Answering the Gods

Whir of invention mtg art Bm answering the gods

Whir of Invention has some strong Modern potential and Zac is hoping to unlock it with two sweet decks. Read more

Hazoret the Fervent and The Scarab God are the gatekeepers of Standard. What answers do we have for these Gods? Read more

Commander Clash S4 Episode 2: Card Type Tribal

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The crew duke it out with decks composed of only a single card type!Read more

Riddle Me This (Miracle Grow, Standard) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 144: Ixalan Standard

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How will an upgraded version of our Budget Magic Miracle Grow deck stand up to a competitive league? Let's find out! Read more

With Richard away, Seth and Chaz break down National results and answer tons of #mtgfishmail questions! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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