Weekly Update (Nov 26): Quintorius Combo
Which Mana Crypt Do I Open in My Lost Caverns of Ixalan Collector Booster Box? |
Today we're cracking #MTGLCI on a brand new channel, so make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications if you like box openings and collection buys!Read more
Budget Magic: $70 (14-Rare) Black Burn | Lost Caverns of Ixalan Standard |
Can Black Burn make the jump from Modern to Lost Caverns of Ixalan thanks to Bloodletter of Aclazotz and some other new additions? Let's find out!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, it's all about the multiverse adjusting to the release of Lost Caverns of Ixalan. By far the most hyped deck to break out because of the new set is discover combo in Pioneer with two different builds taking first and second in last weekend's Magic Online challenge. The gimmick is basically to build your deck in such a way that you'll always discover into clones that can copy either Trumpeting Carnosaur (borderless) or Quintorius Kand (showcase). You then copy the Carnosaur or Kand and discover again which eventually allows you to win with either a massive attack with a huge board of Carnosaurs or by draining your opponent's life total away with Quintorius Kand (showcase)'s static ability. Because of the success of these decks, both of the key combo pieces posting big gains this week with Quintorius Kand (showcase) nearly tripling up to $14 and Trumpeting Carnosaur (borderless) increasing nearly 300% to $9. Just how good the archetype will be long-term remains to be seen - while it is extremely fast and consistent it can also be disrupted by instant-speed removal or counterspells - personally I'd lean towards selling or trading away discover cards that I'm not using into the hype. Even if the deck is real, it's hard to see prices of the in-print combo increasing too much more.
Speaking of discover combo, it's not just the new Lost Caverns of Ixalan cards shooting up in price, pretty much everything associated with the deck is on the rise. Magma Opus which is often used to ramp into the discover payoff a turn early saw a 143% increase to over $6.50. Glasspool Mimic, the MDFC Clone which is used to copy Geological Appraiser gained 63% to $5, Spark Double - the best way to copy Quintorius Kand (showcase) - grew 24% to $6. This means a couple of things. First, Pioneer very clearly has the power to move the market. Second, if you haven't already built the discover deck and aren't desperate to use it for an upcoming event, I'd probably give it a few weeks for prices to cool down. Right now supply is low and hype is high. In a few weeks, more Lost Caverns of Ixalan will be on the market to increase supply and it's at least possible that the hype will die down as the meta adjusts to the archetype. My expectation is that prices will start to trend down before too long, so unless you are in a hurry to play the deck, you'll likely save a bit by waiting to build it.
While the discover combo decks are getting all the hype, mythic Merfolk Tishana's Tidebinder (borderless) also saw a massive price increase these week, nearly tripling up from under $6 to nearly $25. The three-drop has shown a surprising amount of versatility, along with seeing play in Merfolk decks across formats, it's also developed into a staple in Modern Crashing Footfalls. The real question is how much play Tishana's Tidebinder (borderless) will see in Commander. There aren't many Standard-legal cards that cost more than Tishana's Tidebinder (borderless)'s current $25-ish price tag and pretty much all of them see heavy Commander play alongside 60-card constructed play. My guess is that $25 is about the ceiling for Tishana's Tidebinder (borderless) unless its play rate in Commander starts to increase significantly from its current 1% according to EDHRec.
Secret Lair Spoilers — November 20 | Secretversary 2023 |
A new batch of Secret Lair drops is here, from Tomb Raider to Jurassic World!Read more
Podcast 460: These Ixalan Cards Top 8ed This Weekend |
The crew talks about some upcoming promos, the future of Standard, Lost Cavern of Ixalan's impact on various constructed formats and answers #MTGFishmail!Read more
Single Scoop: Chimil the Inner Sun is Running Wild! |
Chimil the Inner Sun? .... more like Chimil the Inner Fun! Lets see how many things we can discover off the top of our deck.Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 122: The BIGGEST, BADDEST Creatures You Can Play |
The biggest creatures in the game face-off... in the Timmy Bracket.Read more
Against the Odds: Quintorious Combo (Explorer) |
Can we build a deck that plays a single Elephant and immediately wins the game as a result? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Quintorius' Food Truck |
Quintorius Kand cares about casting things from exile so lets see if Pia and Rocco can help!Read more
This Week in Legacy: Europe Eternal Weekend 2023 |
Joe Dyer dives into the European Eternal Weekend Legacy event in Prague this past weekend!Read more
We All Play Mass Land Destruction! | Commander Clash S15 E25 |
No land is safe in this Commander game!Read more
Vintage 101: Europe Eternal Weekend 2023 |
Joe Dyer dives into EU Eternal Weekend for Vintage!Read more
Much Abrew: Roaming Isshin Humans (Standard) |
What happens if you stack up Isshin with Roaming Throne in a deck full of Humans with powerful attack triggers? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Bloodletter Mindlink Mech |
Get in the Mech, Bloodletter of Aclazotz ! This combo(synergy?) is able to one shot somebody from out of nowhere.Read more
The Power of Pauper: Ixalan Strikes Back! |
Joe Dyer takes a look at the impact Ixalan has had on Pauper in the first weeks.Read more
I Triple, Triple, Triple, ... My Tokens | Brewer's Kitchen |
Brewer's Kitchen triple triple triple (etc.) his tokens Read more
Tournament Center |
- Motohiko Nakao took down 21Champions Cup Final Season 2 Round 1 (pioneer) with Geological Appraiser Combo.