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This Week in Legacy: Europe Eternal Weekend 2023

Howdy folks! It's time yet again for another edition of This Week in Legacy! I'm your host, Joe Dyer, and this week we're getting all up in the business of Eternal Weekend Europe that took place in Prague last weekend! We've also got another paper event in the Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 12 event, plus two Challenges and a small tribute to our good friend Anuraag Das for all of his coverage efforts.

Without further ado, let's dive right in!

Eternal Weekend Prague Legacy Champs 11/18

This past weekend kicked off the first big weekend of several big weekends with the EU Eternal Weekend held in Prague. At that event we had the EU Legacy Championships event, which had a staggering 713 players in it! That is an incredible number of players for Legacy!

You can find the VODs of the coverage provided by the incredible Anuraag Das over here.

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

4C Uro Control Decks were by far the most popular deck of all of the event, but the win rate of the deck was dragged down to just below 50% a bit. Dimir Scam did quite well as did Boros Stompy and Red Painter. All in all this looked like a solidly interesting event for Legacy, showcasing the really awesome nuances of the current format. Legacy is in a really great spot right now and it really showed with this event.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing Player Name
RUG Delver 1st Julian Jakobovits
RUG Cascade 2nd Ergazpo
Cradle Control 3rd Donderillo
Doomsday 4th Marc Tobiasch
Grixis Delver 5th spartan117
Rakdos Scam 6th MartinP
Boros Stompy 7th Peter Lobotka
RUG Delver 8th Gazzo91

Pretty awesome looking Top 8 here. At the end of it all though it was Julian Jakobovits (otherwise known as JUJUBEAN__2004 on MTGO) who won the event and the big Force of Will trophy on RUG Delver.

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Questing Druid continues to look quite good in these lists. I also really like Stern Dismissal here because it can be used as both a removal spell in a sense to also being used to bounce a Druid to replay the Adventure half. Seems very smart.

In Second Place we had RUG Cascade.

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This deck is a powerhouse in Modern and it seems like it's doing the same here in Legacy. Cheap cascade effects that dig deep into Crashing Footfalls and cheating on mana that way is quite interesting. The fact that you get both Spirit Guides is also a thing.

Also in this Top 8 we had Cradle Control.

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Very straightforward and powerful decklist this is. I love Fiend Artisan though, it is a very good card and it's definitely transformed this deck from what it once was into a very new and powerful thing.

Further down the Top 8 here we had Rakdos Scam.

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Hogaak?! Liliana?!?! This deck is hype! It looks like so much fun especially getting to use cards like Currency Converter.

Paying Tribute to Anuraag Das

If you've watched any amount of coverage lately in Magic, you're probably going to hear one name come up a lot and that is Anuraag Das. Anuraag is truly one of the hardest working people in the content creation space in this day and age, and the amount of work that he puts into Magic coverage definitely merits a lot of recognition.

Anuraag recently returned from having put on the coverage at Eternal Weekend in Prague, and he was also on a recent episode of Eternal Durdles talking about the coverage of events and the work he does. It's worth a watch, and be sure to go check out Anuraag's Twitter linked above and give the man some love. He's doing what he does for the love of the game and for all of us.

Bonus Tweet of Sleepy Anu here.

Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 12 11/18

While Eternal Weekend was going on in Prague, the folks at Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy were celebrating with their own Legacy event at The Warp Gate in the Columbus, OH area. This event had 49 players in it and it looked pretty great. As always, promoting proxy friendly Legacy, you can find all of their information on their events here.

This event was also streamed with commentary by Adam Washburn-Moses and Ian Hoffman! Check out the YouTube video down below!

You can find all of decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

We did have a few decklists that didn't come through in this event, given that the event was run actually using Eminence Gaming's Command Tower software and not MTGMelee. Reanimator was popular but had a poor win rate. 8Cast, Grixis, Jeskai, and Red Stompy all had some population, with the latter three doing very well and 8Cast kind of riding the middle.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing Player Name
Mystic Forge Combo 1st Josh Engle
Red Painter 2nd Daniel Becker
Death's Shadow 3rd Andrew McMenemy
Red Stompy 4th Cole Roskwitalski
Grixis Delver 5th Logan Foley
Omni-Tell 6th Ronnie Coopersmith
4C Uro Control 7th Robert VanGhle
GW Depths 8th Dillon Hostetler

Actually a really solidly interesting Top 8 here. At the end of the event though it was Josh Engle on Mystic Forge Combo that won.

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This list looks quite powerful for sure. The combination of The One Ring and cards like Paradox Engine are just incredibly strong when you have mana from Monoliths to get there. I also love Argentum Masticore in the sideboard. That card is so cool.

In Second Place we had Red Painter.

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I really like Forth Eorlingas! in these lists. It looks quite solid overall there. The deck can make some hefty mana but also it gives the deck another powerful angle to win the game with.

Near the bottom of the Top 8 we had 4C Uro Control.

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Beanstalk decks have certainly become the gold standard for Legacy midrange/control piles. I'm not surprised either. The card is very good at keeping you up on parity for drawing cards.

Legacy Challenge 11/18

The first Challenge event of the weekend was the early morning Saturday event. Despite having no data, we know there was 56 players in the event thanks to the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find the Top 32 decklists for this event here. Due to technical complications there was no data for this event, so let's look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
BUG Control 1st pokemoki
ANT 2nd DavidVanDerRaven
Mystic Forge Combo 3rd TrueHero
Riddlesmith Combo 4th Killabee
Sneak and Show 5th Mizu1015
Grixis Delver 6th JakeTMS
Grixis Delver 7th Stuuch
GW Depths 8th The3rdHorseman

Really wildly interesting Top 8 here. At the end of the event it was BUG Control that won.

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This list looks really sweet. I love the usage of cards like Murderous Cut to enable Up the Beanstalk. Really cool.

In Second Place we had ANT.

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I think it took a bit for people to really figure out the Gaea's Will / Beseech the Mirror aspect of this deck, but it looks great. Inevitable Betrayal is a super sick sideboard tech as well.

Also in this Top 8 we had Riddlesmith Combo.

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I definitely missed the text on Inti, Seneschal of the Sun in my set review. Wildly interesting card that works super well with what this deck is trying to do.

At the bottom of the Top 8 we had GW Depths.

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Very straightforward and strong looking deck here. The big new hitter is Legolas's Quick Reflexes which has looked pretty great in every deck I've seen it in thus far. Seems incredibly strong in these Knight of the Reliquary decks.

Legacy Challenge 11/19

The second Challenge event of the weekend was the mid afternoon Sunday event. Despite having no data, we know there was 74 players in the event thanks to the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find the Top 32 decklists for this event here. Due to technical complications there was no data for this event.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
Red Stompy 1st yPrincipe
Maverick 2nd EvanW
Boros Stompy 3rd Viatt
Rakdos Scam 4th Rooney56
Goblins 5th 42crookedsporks
Mystic Forge Combo 6th Andrea94
4C Uro Control 7th Benjamin_S
Red Painter 8th Gn42

Pretty interesting Top 8 here actually. At the end of the event it was Red Stompy that won.

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Broadside Bombardiers finding a home in this deck is actually just no surprise to me at all. Being able to toss creatures or artifacts for extra damage is pretty sweet.

In Second Place we had Maverick.

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I've seen this list do very well as of late and it's pretty cool to see. I would not be surprised to see Legolas's Quick Reflexes find its way into these lists as well.

Further down the Top 8 we had Boros Stompy.

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Really nice and straightforward Boros list here. This deck is quite strong for sure.

Also in the Top 8 we had Goblins.

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Nice also seeing Broadside Bombardiers here too. Being able to turn Goblin Matron into a Goblin Grenade seems quite good, and using it to chuck something for extra damage is even better. Imagine chucking a Muxus, Goblin Grandee for 8 damage!

Around the Web

  • Bryant Cook is playing a bit of Kaheera Storm. Check it out here.
  • Bazaar of Boxes has D&T vs Cloudpost. Check it out here.
  • Legolas having some Quick Reflexes in Maverick? More likely than you think! Check it out here.
  • The Eternal Glory Podcast has a new episode! Check it out here.
  • The Legacy Gambit is Questing for some Druids! Check it out here.

The Spice Corner

You can find this past week's 5-0 deck lists over here.

Yorion Breakfast is always sweet.

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I have been really enjoying seeing the work done on Legacy PO. It's super cool.

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Spelunking seems like the perfect card for Cloudpost decks. Getting your Posts to play untapped is cool.

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Nic Fit with Saw in Half?!

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Wrapping Up

That's all the time we have this week folks! Thanks for continuing to support the column and join us next week as we continue our journey into Legacy!

As always you can reach me at all my associated links via my Link Tree! In addition I'm always around the MTGGoldfish Discord Server and the MTGLegacy Discord Server.

Until next time!

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