Weekly Update (Nov 07): Crimson View Full Set Reveal
Innistrad: Crimson Vow Previews |
The full spoilers for Innistrad: Crimson Vow is out! Check out what Olivia, Kaya, and Edgar have been up to. The only thing to remain are the Commander deck cards which are being previewed this week. Be sure to check out all the latest previews at www.mtgpreviews.com.
- Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers — November 1 | Zombie Doubler, Mythic Wolf
- Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers — November 2 | 4-Drop Vampires
- Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers — November 3 | Mythic White Curse, Two-Drop Zombie
- Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers — November 4 | Five Mythics & New Edgar
- Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers — November 5 | Kaya & Full Set
Budget Magic: Carth & Friends (Modern) |
Carth the Lion is one of the most unique cards from Modern Horizons 2, but is it really possible to build a superfriends deck with a bunch of planeswalkers on a $100 budget? Let's find out!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week most of the big finance news is related to the impending release of Innistrad: Crimson Vow. The biggest winner was Abundance which more than quadrupled in price (into the $5 or $10 range, depending on the printing) thanks to a new two-card Commander-focused combo involving Cultivator Colossus. If we can get an Abundance on the battlefield before playing Cultivator Colossus and have at least one land in hand, we can use Cultivator Colossus's enters the battlefield trigger to put the land into play and draw a card. Abundance will make sure that the card we draw is another land, which allows us to repeat the ability until we draw all of the lands in our deck and put them on the battlefield tapped. This is an insane amount of ramp and deck thinning and potentially game winning in conjunction with lands like Field of the Dead, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, or Maze's End. The biggest lesson here is to hold onto weird old cards with unique effects because sooner or later the right support or combo piece will come along and prices will spike. Thankfully Abundance has been reprinted a bunch of times so even with the huge new price increase, it still should be fairly accessible.
Speaking of Commander-focused price increases, Quest for Ula's Temple jumped 46% this week to just under $7. Sea creature tribal has a dedicated but small fanbase in Commander and the tribe just got a powerful new leader in Runo Stromkirk, which is driving the interest in the Zendikar rare. My guess is that long-term the price of Quest for Ula's Temple will trend back down. It more than doubled in price just before Ikoria released a year ago, but was slowly declining before Runo Stromkirk came around. When it comes to evaluating the financial potential of Commander cards, it's important to not only think about how popular the card might be with a specific commander, but also how popular that commander might be. My guess is that Runo Stromkirk, while a fun build around, will rank in the middle to lower tier of Crimson Vow commanders in terms of popularity, which will limit the demand for Quest for Ula's Temple. As the initial hype of spoiler season fades, Quest for Ula's Temple's price will likely fade with it.
Finally, the Modern Horizons 2 evoke Elemental are still trending up. Grief gained another 13% this week to $18 and Fury climbed 9% to $22. These cards are among the most-played creatures in all of Modern and it's hard to imagine them being reprinted in the near future since Modern Horizons 2 just released this summer. If you're planning to play paper Modern in the next year, snag your copies now. The cycle seems likely to keep climbing as paper Magic and Modern continue to return.
Podcast 353: Is This A Siege Rhino? | Innistrad: Crimson Vow Spoilers |
The crew discusses a ton of sweet new Innistrad: Crimson Vow cards and answers #MTGFishmail!Read more
This Week in Legacy: A Format Divided |
Joe Dyer dives into the current issues with Legacy and how the community is reacting to them!Read more
Single Scoop: Robots (Historic) |
Beep Boop. Crim shakes off the rust on his Thought Monitors and Tempered Steels for the ladder.Read more
Vintage 101: Eternal Weekend Cram Session - Paradoxical Outcome |
Joe Dyer dives into one of the top decks of Vintage in preparation for Eternal Weekend.Read more
Against the Odds: Minion of the Memes Mulligan Simulator (Historic) |
What are the odds of winning (hopefully on Turn 2!) with Minion of the Mighty in Historic? Let's find out!Read more
Tribal Tribal vs. Slivers vs. Oswald vs. Jadar | Commander Clash S11E13 |
We've had a lot of restrictive themes recently, so this week we're changing things up with an anything goes match! What will the crew build when there are no theme considerations?Read more
Commander Review | Innistrad: Midnight Hunt | Part 1 | White, Blue |
Tomer begins his Commander review of Innistrad: Crimson Vow starting with the White and Blue cards!Read more
Single Scoop: Which Card? Dis-Card (Historic) |
Can a discard deck work in Historic on Magic Arena? TheAsianAvenger finds out!Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: