Weekly Update (May 22): Six New Products: Kaladesh, Commander 2016, DD: Nissa vs Ob Nixilis
mtggoldfish // May 23, 2016
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Wizards unleashed a barrage of new products on us this week, including two new expansion sets Kaladesh and Aether Revolt, a new Planeswalker Deck (to replace Intro Decks), Commander 2016 featuring four-color Commanders, Planechase Anthology and Duel Decks: Nissa vs Ob Nixilis.
1. New Set: Kaladesh
Releasing September 30, 2016, Kaladesh, set 1 of 2 in the Kaladesh block, explores Chandra's homeworld, Kaladesh. Visit the official Kaladesh page.

2. New Set: Aether Revolt
Releasing January 20, 2017, Aether Revolt is set 2 of 2 in the Kaladesh block, continues the story on Chandra's homeworld. Visit the official Aether Revolt page.
3. New Planeswalker Deck

There's a new product for each set. Each set will have two Planeswalker Decks, each built around a different planeswalker relevant to that block. The bundle will contain a 60-card deck and two booster packs from that block with an MSRP of $14.99. Each deck will contain five cards that won't be in the expansion, but are legal to play in Standard:
- A brand-new planeswalker card (mythic rare) at a relatively high converted mana cost (so that Standard players won't be forced to buy the product).
- Two copies of a rare spell that has an effect and can tutor for the planeswalker
- Three copies of an uncommon permanent that is enhanced by having the planeswalker on the battlefield
- Four copies of a common flavored to the Planeswalker
- Four copies of an appropriate common dual land
Visit the official Planeswalker Deck announcement.
3.5 Fat Pack Changes into Bundle
Starting with Kaladesh, Fat Packs will have an MSRP of $42.99 and come with 10 Booster Packs (previously 9). The product will be named "<set name> Bundle" instead of "<set name> Fat Pack."
4. Commander 2016
Commander 2016 will be released November 11, 2016 and feature four-color legendary Commanders. Visit the official Commander 2016 page.
5. Planechase Anthology
Planechase Anthology will showcase cards from Planechaseand Planechase (2012 Edition).
- Four ready-to-play 60-card decks from Planechase (2012 Edition), each with eight rare cards
- 86 oversized Planar cards
- Four slide deck boxes
- Oversize slide deck box
- 35 double-sided token cards
- Special edition planar die
- Four Spindown life counters
- Strategy insert
Visit the official Planechase Anthology page.
6. Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis
Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis will release September 2, 2016 for an MSRP of $19.99. Visit the official Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis page .

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Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive
The big financial news of the week was the massive dump of six upcoming Magic products, including the fall and winter sets which will feature Chandra's home plane of Kaladesh. For some reason, people associate Kaladesh with Contraptions and Riggers, which lead to the buyout of Steamflogger Boss, more than doubling its price to $4.10. Unfortunately for people with big piles of Steamflogger Boss, buylist prices haven't budged, so I wouldn't expect a quick pay day; the odds that Riggers and Contraptions are even a part of Kaladesh seem fairly long.
On the other hand, Grafdigger's Cage jumping 72 percent to $8.79 is perfectly logical. Nahiri, the Harbinger (up 18 percent to $38.19) is still a big part of Modern, and Grafdigger's Cage is one of the most efficient ways to make sure you don't die to an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn put into play by her ultimate. Since it's colorless, any deck can play it. Plus it has value against the Prized Amalgam (up 20 percent to $1.20) Dredge decks popping up in the format, not to mention anything with Collected Company. Buylist prices reflect the new price point, which altogether means this one will likely stick. It could even increase a bit more if Nahiri, the Harbinger remains near the top of the format.
Finally, for Magic Online players, this week featured Future Sight flashback drafts which meant additional supply for some of the most expensive card in Modern including Tarmogoyf, Horizon Canopy and Grove of the Burnwillows, along with chase uncommons like Aven Mindcensor and Sword of the Meek. All of these cards (except Tarmogoyf) are down at least 20 percent on the week. If you've been holding off on finishing Tron, Hatebears, or any other deck that uses these cards, this is your chance to get a playset at a discount. While there is a slight risk that some get reprinted in Eternal Masters, I believe the odds are low, which likely means at least another year before a proper reprinting in a future Modern Masters release.
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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs: