Weekly Update (Mar 24): T-Shirt Giveaway
Tolarian Academy & Gaea's Cradle T-Shirt Giveaway |
Win an officially licensed Tolarian Academy or Gaea's Cradle t-shirt!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest winner is a Fallout card in Lumbering Megasloth. At the beginning of the week the twelve-drop was under $1, today it will set you back closer to $10. The reason for the huge price spike was Legacy. Lumbering Megasloth's ability - costing one less for each counter among players and permanents - works really well with Dark Depths (borderless), which comes into play with enough counters to make the Sloth Mutant a two-mana 8/8 trampler. Unfortunately it's going to be difficult to figure out just how good Lumbering Megasloth is in Depths because Fallout isn't on Magic Online, which means we'll have to wait until more paper Legacy results slowly roll in to see if Lumbering Megasloth is a real Legacy playable card.
Meanwhile in Modern Goryo's Vengeance is on the rise, shooting up more than 150% this week to a massive $40. Since the banning of Violent Outburst, Goryo's Vengeance Reanimator has risen to the very top of the Modern meta. This new demand was enough to spike the price of Goryo's Vengeance despite an Ultimate Masters reprint a few years ago. A word of warning: before Ultimate Masters in 2019, Goryo's Vengeance was up near $50. After it was reprinted it dropped as low as $4. Expect this to happen again in the future once the black instant gets another reprinting. Add in the potential for a metagame shift away from the graveyard strategy and I'd be looking to sell my extra copies of Goryo's Vengeance now while prices are high.
Last but not least, The One Ring (bundle) is slowly climbing. The pack version gained 8% this week to just under $80 while the cheapest version - the bundle promo - is up to $62 after being under $40 in December. This might be a problem. As far as we know Wizards can sell Lord of the Rings cards for two years, and we're approaching a year after the set first released. As The One Ring (bundle) continues to prove itself to be one of the strongest cards printed in the last decade, it's hard to see the price dropping anytime soon barring a banning. Minus a banning, the price will likely continue to grow and it's not even clear that Wizards has a mechanism to fix this issue by reprinting the artifact, which is a scary place to be.
Every You "Lose the Game" Card Ranked from Easiest to Hardest |
Magic has 18 cards that can make the opponent lose the game directly, and today, we're going to rank them all from hardest to easiest!Read more
Podcast 476: Are These MTG Arena Conspiracy Theories Real? |
Seth and Crim discuss post-ban Modern, Crim's recent Standard tournament and whether or not a massive list of MTG Arena conspiracy theori...Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 139: The Dog Bracket |
The only bracket in Magic that matters: Who is the goodest doggo?Read more
Single Scoop: Get In, We're Hunting Show & Tell |
Show and Tell? More like No and Tell. We're hunting Show and Tell players with this absurdly narrow deck.Read more
This Week in Legacy: Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 13 |
Joe Dyer dives into the most recent Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy event in Westerville, OH!Read more
Against the Odds: Infinite Morph Combo (Pioneer) |
What are the odds of winning by morphing infinitely with Yarus, Road of the Old Gods, and Ashcloud Phoenix in Pioneer / Explorer? Let's find out!Read more
Vintage 101: Showcase of Vintage Excellence |
Joe Dyer dives into the first Showcase Challenge with Ponder unrestricted.Read more
Single Scoop: THEY CAME FROM EXILE (Boros Exile) |
WHERE DID ALL THESE SPELLS COME FROM? Exiiiiiiiiiiiile (spooky voice).Read more
The Power of Pauper: The Mid March Metagame Check-In |
Joe Dyer dives into the current state of Pauper!Read more
Much Abrew: Conspiracy Unraveler Combo (Standard) |
Is the Earth flat? Did we really land on the moon? Who killed JFK? Let's combo off and unravel some conspiracies in Standard!Read more
We Break the Card Limit Rule | Commander Clash S16 E10 |
Rats vs. Slimes vs. Petitioners vs. Dragon's Approach. Who Wins?Read more
Single Scoop: Bolas and Tell |
Show and Tell decks are the worst. Thats why we're joining them but this time we're removing the auto win and going for the best win con of them all.... NICOL BOLAS. Let's see if we can spam a ton of Nicol Bolas until our opponents concede.Read more
Level Up Your Commander Deckbuilding With This Keyword |
Tomer shows you how to best use Scryfall to make the sweetest Commander decks!Read more