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Weekly Update (Jun 11): Magic the Gathering MMORPG

Magic: the Gathering MMORPG from the Developers of Neverwinter MMO

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We have several news sources confirming a new Magic: the Gathering MMORPG from the publishers Perfect World, and Cryptic Studios, the developers of Neverwinter MMO. The title is being called a "triple-A game," so expect a big budget. Details are sparse and non-existent at this point, so let the speculation begin!Read more

Budget Magic: GB End (Modern)

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Emrakul, the Promised End and Smuggler's Copter are too good for Standard, but are they good enough for Modern? Yes!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Baral, Chief of Compliance Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Ethersworn Canonist

This week the finance world was fairly quiet, although this will likely change next week with the next Banned and Restricted Update along with announcement week festivities. In Standard, the biggest winner was Baral, Chief of Compliance, which increased 12% to $3.29, but the reasons for this bump aren't clear. While the blue legend does see play in Modern and even Vintage, it hasn't seen any play in Standard. Otherwise, the Standard adjustments are small, with staples like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Chandra, Torch of Defiance up slightly and many cards from the Zombies deck ticking down as the tribal deck falls from the top tier of the format.

In Modern, Ethersworn Canonist jumped another 50-60% (depending on the printing) to about $15 on the back of increased play in both Legacy and Modern. In Modern, Storm and Living End are on the rise, while in Legacy Ad Nauseam-based Storm decks and combo-Elves are both near the top of the format, making Ethersworn Canonist a great sideboard option for just about any deck running white. It will be reprinted again at some point, and it's fairly safe for Standard, but until then, it seems likely to stick at over $10.

Finally, over the past few weeks we've talked about the end of Aether Revolt and Kaladesh redemption on Magic Online. The deadline has come and gone, and so far the impact as been minimal. While we've seen normal fluctuations on Magic Online this week, there wasn't a huge crash with the end of redemption. While the increased supply and lack of release valve could still have an effect as time goes on, it seems that the immediate impact is much less than many people anticipated.

Much Abrew: Baral Polymorph (1v1 Commander)

Hour of Leaks: Nicol Bolas, Samut, and Bontu's Last Reckoning

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We have a first on Much Abrew this week, a competitive 1v1 Commander league with Baral Polymorph! Read more

Wizards accidentally gave us some exciting new Hour of Devastation cards early, including two planeswalkers. Let's break them down! Read more

Commander 2017 Leaks, Lore, and Speculation!


We discuss Commander Leaks, the lore behind cards, and speculation on what the rest of the set contains!Read more

This Week in Legacy: Ovinosping, Hareruya Legacy Challenge and GP Vegas Preparation

Against the Odds: Five-Color Nexus Control (Modern)

Gisela the broken blade eldritch moon art 5color nexus control deck tech

Sean starts off his GP Vegas preparation articles, and looks at the Ovinospring and Hareruya events! Read more

What are the odds of winning with a five-color deck built around Maelstrom Nexus in Modern? Let's figure it out! Read more

Vintage 101: Mana Drain Returns!

Brewer's Minute: Hidden Treasures—Darksteel and Fifth Dawn

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Take a look at three of the top decks from the Vintage Challenge with Islandswamp! Read more

Hidden Treasure returns! This week we break down some powerful under-the-radar options from the rest of Mirrodin block! Read more

Commander Clash S3 Episode 10: Commander Anthology

Podcast 124: Hour of Devastation Leaks, Archenemy

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We celebrate the release of Commander Anthologies by playing the decks included in the set! Read more

The crew discusses the Hour of Devastation leaks including Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh and Samut, the Tested, and the new Archenemy: Nicol B... Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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