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Weekly Update (Jan 20): Ravnica Allegiance Commander Review

Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit Decklists

Ravnica allegiance guild kits

Guild Kits are back with Ravnica Allegiance!Read more

Budget Magic: $98 (25 tix) Metallurgic Drakes (Modern, Magic Online)

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Can Enigma Drake and Crackling Drake work in Modern on a budget, backed by Metallurgic Summonings? Let's find out!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Judith, the Scourge Diva Sphinx of Foresight Stoneforge Mystic

This week the finance world is still adjusting to the impending release of Ravnica Allegiance with cards from the set performing well in early testing shooting up in price. The biggest Standard winner this week is Judith, the Diva (em>Scourge</em) which has been everywhere on Magic Online and Magic Arena, causing her price to jump 252% to $8. The flexibility of the legend gives her a home in everything from dedicated aggro to more combo-oriented aristocrats strategies. People seem to be betting Judith will find a top tier home in Standard. While $8 is a lot for a rare, it's very possible that Judith, the Diva (em>Scourge</em) was underpriced during presales and will end up one of the most valuable non-shockland rares in the set.

On the other side of things, most of the mythics from Ravnica Allegiance along with some of the more hyped rares like Sphinx of Foresight and Kaya's Wrath are down between 15 and 46% on the week. This is normal as we move from presales through prerelease and towards the full paper release next Friday. While we'll see a handful of Judith, the Diva (em>Scourge</em)s that spike, in general, cards from the set will trend down (especially considering the expected value of the set is extremely high. If you can, you'll do better financially if you can wait a couple of weeks to pick up the new Ravnica Allegiance cards you need to finish your decks.

Finally, in older formats, the focus is mostly on tomorrow's banned and restricted announcement. There's an unfounded rumor going around that Stoneforge Mystic could be unbanned in Modern which lead to another buyout and the two-drop increasing 66% to just under $42. While it seems likely that Stoneforge Mystic will get unbanned in Modern sooner or later, whether this is the time is anyone's guess. Stoneforge Mystic has been bought out around banned and restricted announcements almost every year going back to 2014, and it hasn't happened yet. Once it actually does get unbanned, expect it to increase again, up to $60 or $80 over the short term based on hype and the lack of supply. On the other hand, if it doesn't get unbanned, it will spend the rest of the year trending back down towards $25 until it gets bought out again at a future B&R announcement.

Much Abrew: Turbo Depths (Legacy, Magic Online)

The Return of Challenger Decks

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Can a $500 deck compete in Legacy thanks to the power of Dark Depths and Vampire Hexmage? Let's see! Read more

Challenger Decks are returning in 2019! How do last year's decks look in hindsight, and what should we expect this time? Let's discuss! Read more

Modern Mayhem : Esper Control (Modern, Magic Online)

Esper control modern

Welcome to TheAsianAvenger's first Modern series and solo MTGO series! Grab a cup of your preferred beverage and let's play some Modern!Read more

The Machinations of Nicol Bolas, Part 1: History of a Tyrant

Momir, Mo-Problems!

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In this first instalment of a two part series, Joe Dyer and Niuttuc delve into Magic's decades of story on Nicol Bolas, to try and predict the events of the next set in the second part. Read more

TheAsianAvenger tests his luck in the world of Momir! Read more

Timestream Magic: Zombie Battle (Magic Online)

Zombie battle

Zombies of 2003 vs Zombies 2017. Who will win? Find out as TheAsianAvenger & SaffronOlive battle it out!Read more

Commander Review: Ravnica Allegiance Part 1 (White, Blue, Black)

Budget Arena: Selesnya Tokens 5 Mythics, 11 Rares (Standard, Magic Arena)

Sharkcrab Budget arena selesnya tokens

Tomer starts his Commander review of all the new Ravnica Allegiance cards! Read more

Can TheAsianAvenger make it rain tokens without making it rain wildcards? Find out in Budget Arena! Read more

Ravnica Allegiance Instant-Speed Tricks

Ravnica Allegiance Removal List

Stoney strength Bring to trial

A reference table of all the instant-speed tricks in Ravnica Allegiance. Read more

Ravnica Allegiance removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost. Read more

Vintage 101: I Pledge Allegiance to the State (of Ravnica)

Goldfish Gladiators: Esper Quasi-Vampires (Standard, Magic Arena)

Allegiance Esper quasi vampires

Joe Dyer talks about Vintage for Ravnica Allegiance, as well as what to expect from Vintage Super League! Read more

Vampires and Quasiduplicate, together at last. Read more

Against the Odds: Nissa Tribal (Modern, Magic Online)

Nissa tribal

What are the odds of winning with a deck full of Nissas in Modern? Let's find out!Read more

Top 10 Ravnica Allegiance Mythics & Rare Crafts!

Top 10 Ravnica Allegiance Commons & Uncommon Crafts!

Godless shrine Rhythmofsavagery

With Ravnica Allegiance on it's way out, what should TheAsianAvenger be spending his wild cards on? Come find out! Read more

TheAsianAvenger talks about his 10 favorite Commons and Uncommons from Ravnica Allegiance Read more

Fish Five-0: Boros Control (Standard, Magic Arena)

First Impressions of Standard

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Boros Control!...Wait, What!? Boros Control? Come find out if we even need Blue to be control! Read more

TheAsianAvenger's first impression of Standard is here! Read more

Commander Review: Ravnica Allegiance Part 2 (Red, Green, Multicolored, Colorless, Lands)

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Tomer completes his Commander Review of Ravnica Allegiance with Part 2!Read more

Total Obliteration (Black-White Devotion, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 206: Ravnica Allegiance Full Spoiler, Mythic Edition & Challenger Decks

Bw devotion stream highlights Podcast white

Can a white splash make Mono-Black Devotion competitive in Modern? Read more

The crew breaks down the full Ravnica Allegiance spoiler and discusses some product announcements. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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