Weekly Update (Aug 07): Uncommons Only Budget in Standard Ranked
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of finance Pioneer prices are still on the rise. While the biggest gainer%age wise was Indomitable Creativity (up 25% to $10.50), which has been seeing increased play in both Pioneer and Modern, perhaps even more notable is Emrakul, the Promised End hitting $90 for the first time after gaining 15% on the week. This is in part because Emrakul, the Promised End has started showing up in a reasonable number of Modern sideboards and in part because, unlike Emrakul, the Aeons Torn which seems to get a reprint every Masters set, little Emrakul has never been reprinted at all. It, alongside Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, seem like easy includes in the next Masters set, but who knows when that will be, so in the meantime, if you need any of the newer Eldrazi Titans, plan on paying a premium.
Speaking of Masters sets, Double Masters 2022 is still trending down overall, albeit slowly with the total set value dropping a couple of% in the past week. The bad news is most of this decline is coming from lower end cards rather than staples and some of the best Commander cards in the set like Dockside Extortionist and Mana Vault ticked up this week. If you've been waiting to pick up the singles you need, it's probably a fine time to start buying.
Last but not least, Hopeful Initiate nearly doubled in price to $5 this week. The one-drop survives rotation along with the Human theme from Innistrad: Crimson Vow and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and has been adopted in various Human decks in Pioneer along with seeing some Human tribal play in Commander. It seems like it was likely undervalued at $2.50 for the amount of play it sees, although it's hard to imagine it going much higher. If you have copies you're not planning to use, it's probably worth selling them into the hype.
An Uncommon Budget: Intro to Artisan in Ranked |
Rooker explains the basics of playing Artisan on the ladder.Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 054: Am I The A-Hole? |
The crew discusses potential feelsbad situations and determine whether or not it makes you an a-hole.Read more
Fish Five-0: Kalitas is Finally Here! (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
The Traitor of Ghet has finally arrived after years of absence on Arena!Read more
Against the Odds: Shadow Box (Explorer) |
What are the odds of winning with a deck that has more Shadowborn Apostles than lands in Explorer? Let's find out!Read more
Fish Five-0: Tarmogoyf is on Arena! (Historic, Magic Arena) |
This article is actually not from 2013, it's from the year 2022! We got Tarmogoyf in Historic, and Historic's power level feels like the early stages of Modern, which is an absolute blast!Read more
Can Banding Win In Commander??? | Commander Clash S13 E02 |
The crew builds decks around some of the least popular mechanics in Commander!Read more
Much Abrew: Historic Brawl with Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Shrines |
We don't play Historic Brawl very often, but one of my favorite commanders of the year just came to Magic Arena. So, let's do some brawling with Go-Shintai of Life's Origin Shrines!Read more
Podcast 392: What Did Wizards Learn in 2022? |
The crew goes in-depth on the new Explorer and Historic Anthology releases, discusses Mark Rosewater's State of Design 2022 article and a...Read more
Single Scoop: Jund's Shadow (Historic, Magic Arena) |
Nothing is more rewarding than lowering your own health total thanks to Death's Shadow but now we have Temur Battle Rage to trample over and get that one shot kill!Read more
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