Weekly Update (Oct 22): Cracking Doctor Who Packs
Doctor Who Collector Box Opening | Magic: the Gathering |
Can we find a serialized doctor if we crack open a Magic: the Gathering Universes Beyond Doctor Who collector booster box? Read more
Fallout Spoilers — October 19 | Face Commanders, and an Energy Deck! |
The first look at Fallout cards, including all the face commanders for the decks.Read more
Budget Magic: The Goblin Bombardment Goblin Bombardment (Historic) |
What happens if you play Goblin Bombardment they way Garfield intended by throwing death-triggering Goblins at your opponent on just a 12 rare budget? Let's see!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest winner was Commandeer. At the beginning of the week you could snag copies for $5 or $6, now they'll set you back around $30, and this is despite the fact that the card was just reprinted at rare in Commander Masters a couple of months ago. The reason for the huge increase is Modern where Commandeer is becoming an increasingly popular sideboard card, in part because it is a great way to steal opposing The One Ring (bundle)s and Up the Beanstalks and in part because decks playing The One Ring (bundle) and Up the Beanstalk draw so many cards they can easily pitch two of them to Commandeer. This said, expect Commandeer to start trending back down a bit - completed sales on TCGPlayer suggests that somewhere between $15 and $20 is what players are willing to pay for the card, which is still a huge increase from $5 or $6, but not quite as bad as $30. If you need copies, I'd wait a few days for more copies to show up on the market and look to snag yours in the $15 to $20 range.
Meanwhile in Commander, Aetherworks Marvel jumped a massive 447% this week to $7 after being bought out in response to some early Fallout spoilers which revealed a new energy commander in Dr. Madison Li. Looking at Aetherworks Marvel's price chart, this is pretty clearly a buyout. The highest amount anyone has actually paid for a copy of Aetherworks Marvel is less than $2. While the days of bulk mythic Aetherworks Marvels are likely gone, the current price tag is clearly inflated, especially considering the Fallout Commander decks don't even release until next spring. Normally Aetherworks Marvel would be the exact type of card you would expect to be reprinted in a Commander precon lead by a legend that cares both about artifacts and energy, but Universes Beyond is weird. It's possible that Aetherworks Marvel dodges a reprinting simply for flavor purposes, which could lead to its price spiking again once we get closer to the release of Fallout.
Last but not least, the multiverse is preparing itself for Lost Caverns of Ixalan spoilers which start on Tuesday. It seems like some people are getting a head start and buying Dinosaurs, which are likely to be heavily supported in the set. Gishath, Sun's Avatar gained 31% on the week to $50 and Temple Altisaur 26% to over $6, while lesser Dinos like [Ripjaw Raptor]], Runic Armasaur, Marauding Raptor (planeswalker stamp) and Regisaur Alpha also increased in price this week. What exactly to do with the info is debatable. On one hand, this happens every set. Wizards prints some sweet new legends and older cards that synergize with them spike in price. On the other hand, we know there is a Naya Dinosaur-themed Commander precon coming with the set and it's very possible that some of these cards are reprinted and crash in price, so there is risk to buying Dinosaurs now. If you're looking for safer pickups, I'd look at cards that cost $10 or more, just because Wizards doesn't typically put many $10+ reprints into Commander precons. This would include cards like Polyraptor, Apex Altisaur, Trapjaw Tyrant and Carnage Tyrant. While it's still possible some of these cards get reprinted, it's less likely than the random $2-$5 Dinosaurs, many of which will likely fill out the Commander deck.
Podcast 455: Drafting Just Got More Expensive |
Seth and Richard discuss play boosters, a "no changes" ban list update and answer #MTGFishmailRead more
Single Scoop: Pollen Shield Hare is All Naya Tokens Needed?? |
Naya Tokens is such a sweet archetype with Jetmir and now they're going to have a good HARE day.... BA DUM TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS >:3Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 117: Are Commander Games Too Long? |
What is the perfect length for a game of Commander, and how does game length look in 2023?Read more
This Week in Legacy: An October Look at Legacy |
Joe Dyer looks at Legacy for a metagame update!Read more
Single Scoop: Are Dragons Powerful Enough for Standard? |
Decadent Dragon and Realm Scorcher-Hellkite are some sweet new dragons thanks to WOE. Sure, they're clunky but maybe we can make the ladder respect our Dragons!Read more
Against the Odds: Teaching Arena Zoomers about Paying the One (Historic) |
This week for Against the Odds, we—perhaps hypocritically—teach Arena Zoomers why you always need to pay the one!Read more
Vintage 101: The Power of Lurrus |
Joe Dyer looks at how Lurrus + Lorien Revealed have changed Vintage.Read more
Top 5 Doctor Who Commander Cards For Non-Fans |
Don't care about Doctor Who but want to know what good Commander cards are worth picking up from the set? Here's my top 5!Read more
Much Abrew: Modern, but only RATS are Allowed |
Can Rats compete in Modern thanks to some new Wilds of Eldraine additions? Let's find out!Read more
The Power of Pauper: Affinity for Artifacts! |
Joe Dyer breaks down the current state of Affinity in Pauper!Read more
Single Scoop: Urza Assembles Orzhov |
Urza is Assembling the Orzhov titans in this episode of Single Scoop!! Super Orzhov Friends activate!Read more
No One Builds These Popular Commanders This Way! | Commander Clash S15 E20 |
The crew build popular commanders, but wrong!Read more