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Weekly Update (Nov 30): Cyber Monday, Duel Decks Anthology, Worlds

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Cyber Monday

It's shopping time! Here's a roundup of Magic the Gathering related deals. Be sure to follow us on twitter and facebook for up-to-date deals information!

Duel Decks Anthology (December 5)

Duel Decks Anthology releases this week on December 5. Check out our Duel Decks Anthology page for all eight decklists and their current values. The anthology is currently available for preorder on ebay for about $130.

Magic World Championships (December 2)

The Magic World Championships start this week on December 2nd. 24 of the world's top Magic players including 7 Pro Tour winners, 15 Grand Prix winners, 4 Players of the Year, and 5 Hall of Famers will duke it out in Vintage Masters draft, Khans of Tarkir draft, Modern and Standard. For more information, check out the Official 2014 Magic World Championship site. Remember, this is the event where they'll be generating packs of VMA and using actual pieces of Power from the collections of Wizards employees and friends to play paper magic.

MOCS Promos Card Change

You will now have the chance to earn multiple copies of MOCS promo cards based on how many QPs you accumulate. Direct from Lee Sharpe (@mtg_lee): Biggest change to MOCS this year is players will now receive a promo for each 15 QPs they have (2 at 30 QP, 3 at 45 QP etc.)

Upgrading C14: Green

Ricardo published another Upgrading C14 article this week for the Green Guided by Nature deck. Check out Ricardo's Lands Matter theme and Elves Tribal upgrades: Upgrading C14 Green: Armageddon.

Weapons of Influence in Magic Finance

@SaffronOlive revisits psychology in Magic with Cialdini's Weapons of Influence. @SaffronOlive discusses how psychology influences trading behavior. Be sure to get the most out of your next trade with these tips: Three Weapons of Influence in Magic Finance.

MTGGoldfish Mobile

MTGGoldfish received a makeover this week. We have a new layout that's optimized for mobile devices. Check out our MTGGoldfish Site Update: Mobile! post to see what's been happening on MTGGoldfish and the plans for the future.

Win a Khans of Tarkir Holiday Gift Box

There's one week left in our Khans of Tarkir Holiday Gift Box Giveaway. Enter for your chance to curb that pack-cracking addiction!

#Trending Cards

The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week are:
  1. Goblin Rabblemaster
  2. Flooded Strand
  3. Ashiok Nightmare Weaver
  4. Siege Rhino
  5. Dig Through Time

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