Weekly Update (Jun 11): LOTR Commander Decklists
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Previews |
We got the entirety of the Lord of the Rings spoilers this week, alongside all of the new Lord of the Rings Commander Decks and commander cards. Be sure to check out www.mtgpreviews.com for all of the latest cards:
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers — June 5 | Radagast, Arwen
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers — June 6 | Legendary Kraken, Orzhov Spirit Commander
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers — June 7 | Smeagol, Eldrond, Galadriel
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers — June 8 | Commander Cards!
- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Spoilers — June 9 | White Card Draw Enchantment
The Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-Earth Commander Decklists |
Commander decklists for The Lord of the Rings!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest news once again comes from Pioneer. You might remember a couple of weeks ago we discussed a bunch of massive price spikes thanks to a Boros Convoke deck which players were calling "Hogaak in Pioneer." Well, if you believe the newest hype, we have have Splinter Twin in Pioneer thanks to a new combo involving Metamorphic Alteration (up 1700% to $8) and Archfiend of the Dross. The idea is to play Archfiend and then play Metamorphic Alteration on an opponent's creature to turn it into an Archfiend of the Dross. Since Archfiend only gets only counters when it enters the battlefield, the end result if that the opponent will have an Archfiend of the Dross with no oil, so you simply pass the turn and make your opponent die to Archfiend of the Dross's ability when they can't remove a counter on their upkeep. Just how strong the combo is remains to be seen, although after watching Hogaak..err..Boros Convoke fall flat the last few weeks, I'm not completely buying the hype. If you have some copies of Metamorphic Alteration in your bulk, they are worth digging out for sure, but I'd look to sell them now while hype is high, because who knows how strong the combo actually ends up being long term.
Meanwhile in the world of Commander, spider Fog Arachnogenesis is now a massive $72 after doubling in price this week. Shelob, Child of Ungoliant is one of the most hyped new legends from the new Lord of the Rings set and a Fog that makes Spiders is perfect for the deck. If you're thinking of snagging a copy I'd wait a another month or two. We know Commander Masters is on the horizon for August and expensive cards from past Commander precons like Arachnogenesis seem like the kinds of cards that could show up in the set. Considering that Arachnogenesis is from Commander 2015, which means it's nearly a decade old and has never been reprinted, a large part of its current price is due to its low supply. If it ends up reprinted at rare in Commander Masters, it seems likely to fall under $10. If not, it's hard to imagine it going much higher than it is currently since it doesn't see that much player outside of Spider tribal and Fog-themed decks.
Last but not least, the hype for the 1 of 1 serialized The One Ring continues to grow with the latest public offer coming in at a massive $1 million. The set releases next week so if you want to try your luck, get your booster cracking fingers limber. Just be warned that the odds of opening The One Ring is roughly 1 in 3,000,000 which is more or less the same as winning the lottery. It will be interesting to see what happens once the card is opened. Right now the prices of Lord of the Rings sealed product is incredibly high, although there is some speculation it will drop once The One Ring has been found which might mean if you aren't interested in playing The One Ring lottery, your best bet will be to wait a couple of weeks (or months?) before snagging a box for yourself in hopes that prices will normalize once the chance of opening the most expensive card in the game's history is gone.
Podcast 436: Will Anything From Lord of the Rings See Play in Modern? |
The crew shares their takes on post-banning Standard and discusses which Lord of the Rings cards could show up in Modern!Read more
Much Abrew: Nahiri's Resolve = Boros Mom Blink (Standard) |
Now that Invoke Despair is gone, enchantments are unbanned in Standard. This means it's time to blink our team each turn with Nahiri's Resolve, hopefully with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines on the battlefield!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 098: Top 10 Counterspells |
The crew goes over their top 10 counterspells in casual commander along with 6 honorable mentions!Read more
Single Scoop: Boros Convoke Works in Explorer! |
The Boros Convoke deck has been dubbed "Hogaak" of Pioneer so naturally we had to see if the hilarity works in Explorer as well without Bushwhacker......and it does!Read more
This Week in Legacy: The Temptation of the Ring |
Joe Dyer takes a look at the Lord of the Rings set for Legacy!Read more
Against the Odds: 8 Flayer (Pioneer) |
What are the odds of winning with eight Soulflayers in Pioneer now that Urborg Scavengers is a thing thanks to Aftermath? Let's find out!Read more
Vintage 101: But Do We Have Second Vintage? |
Joe Dyer dives into the Lord of the Rings set for Vintage.Read more
Single Scoop: Terisian Mindbreaker is Standard Ready! |
The only thing holding back Terisian Mindbreaker in standard was Fable, Invoke, and pretty much any good card. Still, now the meta is filled with people milling themselves and Jace and Mindbreaker might actually be a win-con?Read more
The Power of Pauper: One Ring to Rule Pauper |
Joe Dyer dives into Tales of Middle-Earth for Pauper!Read more
NO COMBO, NO STAX, NO CONTROL | Commander Clash S15E1 |
The crew builds decks using some ultra casual rules!Read more
Single Scoop: I Load My Deck Up With Counters |
If TheAsianAvenger can't play all the counterspells then he's going to have to get his counter fix elsewhere. This time it's in Bant and we're hoping Dusk Legion Duelist and Brokers Ascendancy can get us there!Read more
I Killed my Opponent with my Bare Hand | Brewer's Kitchen |
Brewer's Kitchen kills his opponents with his bare hand... sizeRead more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: