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Weekly Update (Jul 8): Comic Con 2018 Promos

Banned and Restricted Update, July 2 2018: No Changes Standard, DRS & Probe Banned in Legacy


No changes in Standard, Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe banned in Legacy.Read more

San Diego Comic Con 2018 Planeswalker Promos

San diego comic con 2018 planeswalkers

Check out the new Comic Con Planeswalker Promos featuring art by Terese Nielsen.Read more

Budget Magic: $98 (27 tix) Obliterator Devotion (Modern)

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Can the combination of newly cheap Phyrexian Obliterators and Dread Shade make Mono-Black Devotion work in Modern?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Nexus of Fate Wall of Shards Stoneforge Mystic

For being a week with a Banned and Restricted announcement, this week was surprisingly quiet on the finance front with some casual buyouts and Standard readjustments taking center stage. In Standard, the big losers are the lesser mythics from Core Set 2019, with the Buy a Box promo Nexus of Fate, reprints like Omniscience and Scapeshift along with some of the lesser Elder Dragons all tumbling on the week. Meanwhile, Liliana, Untouched by Death (up 10% to just under $11) tops the winners list with Zombies getting some hype for M19 Standard. For more Core Set 2019 finance, make sure to check out the expected value article that went live today!

In Modern we had two uncommon, Commander-driven buyouts. First up is Wall of Shards (up 63% to over $6), a fairly low supply card from Coldsnap that's a casual 8/8 flier for two-mana in a Arcades, the Strategist Commander deck. Second is Bramblewood Paragon (up 85% to just under $6), a solid addition to the Najeela, the Blade-Blossom-fueled Five-Color Warrior Commander deck. While both of these cards will probably maintain their prices for a while, the more expensive an uncommon gets, the more likely the card is to be reprinted in a Masters set or other supplemental product. Both Wall of Shards and Bramblewood Paragon are very reprintable.

Finally, as you probably know by now, Stoneforge Mystic shot up in price (hitting $60 at one point after being $24 a little while ago) over the past couple of weeks based on speculation about a possible unbanning. While the unbanning didn't happen this announcement, it's always a possibility in the future. For now, the biggest question is will Stoneforge Mystic's price go back down now that it is staying banned? The answer is somewhat. These B&R based buyouts happened regularly with Bloodbraid Elf for years, and while the Elf's price did drop after it remained banned, it typically stayed about 20% above its pre-buyout price. If this pattern holds true with Stoneforge Mystic, expect it to settle in the $30-$35 range when all is said and done.

Much Abrew: Nivmagus Pacts (Modern)

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How often can we win on Turn 2 with Nivmagus Elemental and a nearly infinite number of free pacts? Let's see! Read more

Brewing Core Set 2019: Tribal

Deep Tracks: Chromium

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Which tribes, new and old, have potential in Standard thanks to Core Set 2019? Let's break it down! Read more

Our quest to unlock the five Elder Dragons from Core Set 2019 continues this week on Deep Tracks. Let's go! Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: Five-Color Superfriends (Arena Singleton)

Goldfish gladiators 5c superfriends

What's the new singleton format on #MTGArena all about? What happens if we just play all the planeswalkers? Let's discuss!Read more

Commander Review: Core Set 2019 Part 1 (White, Blue, Black)

Commander Review: Core Set 2019 Part 2 (Red, Green, Multi-Color, Colorless)

John henry fuseli   the nightmare Apex of power core set 2019 art

We start our Commander review or Core Set 2019 cards with White, Blue, and Black! WUB! Read more

Tomer wraps up the Commander review of M19 here in Part 2! Read more

Against the Odds: Timesifter Miracles (Modern)

Timisifiter miracles

What are the odds of taking all the turns with Timesifter in Modern? Let's find out!Read more

Playing Pauper: Defender Combo

This Week in Legacy: Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe Are Banned - Part 1

Defender combo playing pauper  1 File

Is comboing off with a bunch of walls a legitimate plan in Pauper? Let's find out! Read more

Sean runs through the ramifications of the recent Legacy bannings, first looking at the direction of fair decks. Read more

Core Set 2019 Instant-Speed Tricks

Core Set 2019 Removal List

Isolate core set 2019 Cleansing nova core set 2019

A reference table of all the instant-speed tricks in Core Set 2019. Read more

Core Set 2019 removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost. Read more

Podcast 179: Deathrite and Probe Banned, Silver Showcase, M19 Arena Update

Brewer's Minute: Core Set 2019 - Five Janky Modern Combos

Podcast white Bm m19 combos

Seth and Richard discuss the latest B&R announcement, the controversial $150,000 Silver Showcase, and the latest M19 Arena updates. Read more

What janky combos does Core Set 2019 enable in Modern? Let's discuss! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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The Power of Pauper: Start Your Engines!

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