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Weekly Update (Jul 1): Twitch Streaming Tools

Magic: the Gathering Deck Image for Streaming on and YouTube

Stream popout final

Learn how to overlay Magic: the Gathering decks on your or YouTube stream!Read more

Budget Magic: $80 (25 tix) Haphazard Ramp (Standard)

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There's nothing better than blowing up lands, but can a land-destruction ramp deck work in Standard? Let's see!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Stoneforge Mystic Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle Lyra Dawnbringer

Tomorrow's Banned and Restricted announcement is the driver of the biggest financial news of the week with people betting heavily on Stoneforge Mystic being unbanned in Modern, doubling the price of the two-drop from about $25 to over $50. Could Stoneforge Mystic be unbanned tomorrow? It's possible, and it's likely that Stoneforge Mystic gets unbanned eventually, but we've seen these B&R related buyouts in the past. Bloodbraid Elf was bought out for several years worth of B&R announcements—spiking and then dropping back down near its previous price after it stayed on the banned list—before it was finally unbanned, so don't take this price spike to mean that Stoneforge Mystic will be unbanned tomorrow, it's just as possible this is misguided speculation.

Speaking of Modern, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle is also on the rise, tripling in price from $8 to $24 over the past week or so. The reprinting of Scapeshift in Core Set 2019 (dropping the combo piece from $60 to $17) makes building Modern TitanShift much cheaper, increasing the demand for the other staples in the deck and driving up the price of the rare Zendikar land. Just be warned, at $25, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle suddenly becomes a juicy reprint target for a future Masters set, and it could even be safe for Standard assuming there's no obvious combo pieces (like Primeval Titan).

Finally, in Standard, Dominaria staples are finally on the downswing, with cards like Lyra Dawnbringer and Mox Amber losing more than half of their value in just a couple of weeks. Karn, Scion of Urza, History of Benalia, and Teferi, Hero of (em>Dominaria</em) all ticking down as well. Apart from perhaps Mox Amber, these are all cards you'll want in your collection for post-rotation Standard. Wait another month as prices should drop a bit more, and then pick up what you need just before Guilds of Ravnica spoilers start to get the best deals (so somewhere near the middle or end of August).

Understanding the Hate Cards and Hosers of M19

Alpine moon core set 2019 art

Core Set 2019 is overflowing with hate cards and hosers. What are they targeting in Standard and Modern? Let's discuss!Read more

Much Abrew: Miraculous Mill (Modern)

Deep Tracks: Arcades

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Can the combo of miracles and mill actually compete in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

Core Set 2019 is upon us and the five Elder Dragons from Legends will soon return! Let's take a closer look, starting with Arcades! Read more

Against the Odds: Primal Surge (Modern)

Core Set 2019 Spoilers — Catch Up | Reprints

Primal surge Core set 2019 daily spoilers   reprints

What are the odds of winning with a Primal Surge combo deck in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

We missed some Core Set 2019 spoilers because of Vegas, so today we continue to catch up with the reprints! Read more

This Week in Legacy: 11th KMC Invitational

Fish Doctor: UW Tempo (Standard)

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Sean runs through the spice from one of Japan's smaller, exclusive events in the lead-up to Eternal Weekend Asia! Read more

What the best way to fix a deck that is powerful, but thanks to some weird numbers is extremely high variance? Read more

Podcast 178: Core Set 2019 Complete Spoilers

Mulligan Madness (Narset Combo, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast white Narset combo stream highlights

Seth and Richard discuss the last batch of Core Set 2019 spoilers, the weekend&#39;s Standard Grand Prix action, and predict the next Banned ... Read more

How quickly can you win with Narset, Enlightened Master? Let's find out! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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Single Scoop: A Gearhulk and a Corgi

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Image for Vintage 101: February Metagame Check-In vintage 101
Vintage 101: February Metagame Check-In

Joe Dyer checks in on the Vintage metagame in February.

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Image for Against the Odds: Haunted Lotus (Standard) against the odds
Against the Odds: Haunted Lotus (Standard)

What are the odds of winning with Radiant Lotus in Standard? Let's find out!

Feb 12 | by SaffronOlive
Image for This Week in Legacy: Legacy Data?!? this week in legacy
This Week in Legacy: Legacy Data?!?

Joe Dyer dives into the current status of the Legacy Data Collection Project.

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