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Weekly Update 2014-11-09

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Commander 2014 Released

Daretti%252c%2bscrap%2bsavant%2b%255bc14%255d Nahiri%252c%2bthe%2blithomancer%2b%255bc14%255d Ob%2bnixilis%2bof%2bthe%2bblack%2boath%2b%255bc14%255d

Commander 2014 was released this past Friday (and on Magic Online as well). The general consensus is that these decks are great, synergistic, and are balanced to play against each other while holding their own against home brews. They're still available for ~$140 shipped for all five decks on ebay as of this writing. White is super synergistic with an equipment and token subtheme. Red is a fast deck, with the ability to power out Daretti, Scrap Savant on Turn 2 and generate extreme value with Daretti, Scrap Savant, Wurmcoil Engine and Goblin Welder. Black is a good stuff deck with ramp, mass destruction and big demons. Blue does its classic blue tricksy stuff (e.g. bounce, disrupting your opponents), but also has big ramp element in it with the new Teferi, Temporal Archmage. And the Green deck does what green does best: attack with huge creatures for hundreds of damage. We have the full decklists here for your convenience.

2014 Holiday Gift Guide

It's holiday season! We've published our 2014 Holiday Gift Guide. Browse to see what to grab for friends, or share it with your loved ones to help them choose the perfect gift for you. Here's a tip from 10-year-old me: leave it conveniently opened on your family computer with what you want highlighted :)

Magic Online Known Issues List

In their valiant attempt to be more transparent with the progress of the Magic Online client, Wizards has published the Magic Online Known Issues List.

A Very, Very Condensed History of the Multiverse

The Fireside Magic blog published a great article covering the history of the Magic Universe. It's a great quick read (~10 mins) and I highly recommend it to everyone!

Funko Pop Giveaway Closes Tomorrow

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Our Funko Pop! Giveaway closes tomorrow. Make sure you're entered to win your choice of a Funko Pop Series 2 figure when they release! See details and enter here.

Articles Recap

Several great articles this week on MTGGoldfish:

#Trending Cards

The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week are:
  1. Jeskai Ascendancy
  2. Goblin Rabblemaster
  3. Mana Confluence
  4. Elspeth Sun's Champion
  5. Dig Through Time

Deck Spotlight: Modern Battle of Wits

This spicy brew went 4-0 in a Modern Daily. MattiasNL's deck is actually pretty clever. It uses three engine cards: Birthing Pod, Gifts Ungiven and the namesake Battle of Wits. He runs a total of 240 cards, so 12/240 = 3/60, which is only slightly worse than a regular Pod deck. Not bad. MattiasNL also wins the award for the most expensive modern deck ever at ~1700 tickets online and $3200 in paper. That's what happens when you jam 4x of every good card in Modern (e.g. Tamogoyf, Noble Hierarch, etc.) into a 240 card deck. You can check out the deck in action on MattiaNL's twitch stream in the past broadcasts section. I mean, the deck plays Panglacial Wurm, why wouldn't you check it out?

Commander 2014

C14 banner

Commander 2014 is out! Play with the new Commander-Planeswalkers! Sets are still available on ebay for ~$140, which is $35 off of MSRP!

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