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Time to put some pants on and go to town! We're trying some Izzet Bogles!
Ballin on a budget? Nope. TheAsianAvenger goes wallin' on a budget!
Can TheAsianAvenger make it rain tokens without making it rain wildcards? Find out in Budget Arena!
Can TheAsianAvenger grind out all of our opponents with Golgari Midrange? Come hang out and watch Budget Arena to find out!
Looking to build a control deck but don't want to spend all your wildcards on lands? Let's see if TheAsianAvenger can help!
Want to improve your merfolk but not spend too many wildcards? TheAsianAvenger will help with that! Glub Glub Glub!
Looking for a deck to help grind you wildcards and gold fairly quickly? TheAsianAvenger can help with that!
Season 2 of Free-To-Play Fish has returned with TheAsianAvenger! See how we can move closer to more competitive decks
Join TheAsianAvenger as we find out if this week's deck is explosive enough to be considered....Dino-mite or a Tyrannosaurs Wreck hehe
Come watch TheAsianAvenger be super sappy on today's episode of Free To Play Fish!
What happens when a Skilled Animator, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle, and a bunch of small artifacts walk into a bar..... Come watch this week's episode and find out what happens with TheAsianAvenger!
Man, to be thirsty forever is a long time. Let's see if we can get our thirst fix today with some Orzhov Vampires. It's bound to be a bloodsucking blast!
Izzet really a blue red deck if we don't at least make a few izzet jokes? Come enjoy the 4000IQ gameplay hehe
TheAsianAvenger needs us all grouped up and ready to take down our opponents! Come join the him in the Arena!
Y'arrrrgh. Its TheAsianAvenger and he's here for your treasure!!
Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub w/ TheAsianAvenger as he overruns people with little sea people aka Merfolk!
Let's take to the skies with Mono-Blue Arcane Inventions F2P style :)
Free to Play Fish is back with a different take on Mono Red!
Join your sp00ky host TheAsianAvenger as he continues his grind to grow his F2P collection w/ the Graveyard Bash deck!
Want to play MTG:Arena without breaking the bank? TheAsianAvenger grinds through Standard with an entirely free-to-play account!
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