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Budget Arena: 2 Mythic, 7 Rare Dimir Control (Standard, Magic Arena)

Welcome back to Free-To-Play Fish, now with a hot new name, Budget Arena!

After last video's quick 7-0 record . . . it's time to slow things down! This one is for the Mages out there trying to COB (control on a budget)! 

We ended up editing the list towards the end to add a Detection Tower to help beat Carnage Tyrant and other hexproof threats!


What I'd build Towards

Best of One:


Best of Three:



$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

For these style of decks you don't really need fancy win conditions, you just need to keep the board clear and then you can eventually win with your planeswalkers, or in my case I chose Nezahal, Primal Tide. These four cards strip your opponent's hand of threats and keep the board clear so they're going to be the pillars of the deck. The reason the countermagic in the deck aren't up there is because you can play the tap out style of Magic if it Soots you, hehe.


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