Single Scoop: Grixis Delver (Explorer, Magic Arena)
We're all about tempo and cheap threats! Thankfully, our cheap threats can be backed up by cheap spells. I'm trying out Make Disappear and Drown in the Loch for this episode. Make Disappear seems amazing when you can just sacrifice any of your 1/1 tokens from Young Pyromancer or Sedgemoor Witch.
The deck has powerful spells like Thoughtseize to strip our opponents of their best spells, which will allow us to sit back and counter whatever else is a concern. Of course, in best of one, we don't have anything like a sweeper, so we're just hoping we don't fall behind or we can cast enough spells to continuously chump block with 1/1s.
The deck sorely misses Expressive Iteration like any other UR deck, but holy heck is this deck fun to play. I'm not sure I like my build with Drown in the Loch unless I'm able to find more ways to make opponents discard. I'd also like more ways to turbo my way to a Kroxa so it's probably worth adding copies of Consider and maybe a Duress? Either way, the archetype is fun but the tools around the shell need to be tuned so I'll try to work on that!
Thanks for watching the content.
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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger