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Is Collector's Cage, Wilt-Leaf Liege and a bunch of creatures that make multiple bodies the way to beat the This Town Ain't Big Enough meta in Standard? Let's see!
This Nurturing Pixie deck has to be the most annoying deck ever.....and we love it!
Merfolk's evolution in Pioneer involves a Soul Cauldron combo!
TheAsianAvenger just can't stop forcing Simulacrum Synthesizer and the Artifact decks in Standard. Let's see if any new cards can help our Construct army get some wins in standard.
Mono White control doesn't close games quick enough but adding Toxic changes that! We have a solid Dimir Midrange and Mono Red match up and end games absurdly fast!
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is on Arena and it's time to run Deification with one of the most iconic Gideons in this Boros grind em out deck.
I set all my creatures face down and plan to fill my graveyard to fairly cast Oculus! Lets see if we can manifest enough dread.
Worried about your opponent's good cards? Well, let's throw them away! Day's Undoing and Dark Deal have arrived on Arena and they should help with that. Maybe we Notion Thief along the way :3
As the old saying goes, Player removal is the best removal and with Gladecover Scout, maybe we can do that with a classic archetype in Bogles!
Consuming Aberation is going to be our top end threat inside our Deepmuck Desperado mill deck! We've got a Mill Crabs and The Mindskinner as well!
The Urborg Scavengers (aka Death Digletts) might've given Zetalpa it's first chance of being semi playable! It's a keyword soup playstyle reminiscent of Soulflayer.
Embercleave was absurdly busted so Leyline Axe is a more balanced version! Is Embercleave's little brother good enough to bring Boros equipments into Standard?.... probably not...but it is fun.
Phenax, God of Deception is on Arena and looking to gather all the creatures with defender and high toughness to Mil our opponents out! Coral Colony & Sylvan Carytid are the perfect cards to bring along!
Back when Pioneer first came out, there was a Fires of Invention superfriends deck. Its time to revisit it with Chain Veil, Jace, Architect of Thought, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar on Arena now!
Dragonlords Ojutai & Silumgar are back for the first time on Arena. You know we had to play one of our favorite All-Star decks again. We even got Jace and Ojutai's Command!
Are you an Ajani's pridemate or life gain enjoyer? What about a Combo enjoyer? Well, gaining life is the combo in this Standard video !!
Owling Mine was an old archetype but it's back in standard and with way more efficient draw punishers thanks to Scrawling Trawler and Winter! If you're also a Nekusar commander player, you'll love this!
Time to cast Mystical Teachings and abruptly ending our opponents' turns with Time Stop!! Hopefully Mindsplicer Apparatus
Arcanist the Omnipotent being in Standard takes me back to Middle School so let's make him happen!
Tinybones' newest iteration is looking way better than his Outlaws counterpart but is this the missing piece to keep Discard decks afloat against all the card advantage engines in this standard?
Bloodfeather Phoenix and.....BALL LIGHTNING in Standard!? Let's see if an old-school aggro favorite can keep up the heat for Burn players.
I think we're all wondering "how good is Llanowar Elves and Elvish Archdruid?" thanks to Foundations and I'm pretty sure all the iterations of Tyvar are gonna help us find out.
Errant & Giada loves all the reprinted Angels and cards with Flash we can play with! Let's take to the skies!
Demonic Pact is back and there are a ton of new tools to use to hand off all these terrible cards we've put in our deck!
We're taking amphibians and turtles.... to the Desert? Lets see how this Simic deck does in Pio/Exp!
Mono Red is more than just Aggro. Lets see if we can use Artist's Talent and Enduring Courage to push a Midrange Red deck!
This deck is loaded with Overlords and thats all we need to win! With the help of Zur, nothing can stop our Overlords!
The banning of the red Leyline could potentially open up the metagame on different styles of aggro. Maybe Patchwork Bestie and Break Out can be your new favorite aggro deck!
Boros Convoke was once the go to aggro deck. With Red losing their Leyline, is it time for Convoke to come back? Will adding blue help it?
Valgavoth is our new baddie and they're here to terrorize the Pioneer meta!
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