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Image for Allies in Oath of the Gatewatch Draft oath of the gatewatch
Allies in Oath of the Gatewatch Draft

How have Allies changed with Oath of the Gatewatch?

Mar 24 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Ahead of the Curve: Colorless Mana Sources in OGW Draft oath of the gatewatch
Ahead of the Curve: Colorless Mana Sources in OGW Draft

When to draft colorless mana sources in Oath of the Gatewatch draft.

Mar 17 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Ahead of the Curve: Processors and Exile Effects in OGW Draft oath of the gatewatch
Ahead of the Curve: Processors and Exile Effects in OGW Draft

Does Oath of the Gatewatch have enough exile effects to enable the Processors in the Battle for Zendikar pack?

Mar 3 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Ahead of the Curve: My Best and Worst Oath of the Gatewatch Draft Decks oath of the gatewatch
Ahead of the Curve: My Best and Worst Oath of the Gatewatch Draft Decks

My best and worst Oath of the Gatewatch draft decks, and what I learned from them.

Feb 24 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Ahead of the Curve: Playing Around the Instant-Speed Tricks in OGW oath of the gatewatch
Ahead of the Curve: Playing Around the Instant-Speed Tricks in OGW

Instant-speed creatures, removal, and pump that you need to play around.

Feb 18 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Commander Clash 7: Oath of the Gatewatch commander clash
Commander Clash 7: Oath of the Gatewatch

The crew brings decks built around the new Oath of the Gatewatch legendaries.

Feb 12 | by Tomer Abramovici
Image for Ahead of the Curve: Grand Prix Vancouver, the Misplays oath of the gatewatch
Ahead of the Curve: Grand Prix Vancouver, the Misplays

I misbuilt and misplayed my way to a 5-4 record at Grand Prix Vancouver. Learn from my mistakes.

Feb 11 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Lessons from Grand Prix Vancouver, Part 1: The Misbuild oath of the gatewatch
Lessons from Grand Prix Vancouver, Part 1: The Misbuild

Sameer Merchant misbuilt and misplayed his way to a 5-4 record at Grand Prix Vancouver. Learn from his mistakes.

Feb 3 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Budget Magic: Oath of the Gatewatch Updates (10 Decks) budget magic
Budget Magic: Oath of the Gatewatch Updates (10 Decks)

Saffron updates every Standard Budget Magic deck to accommodate some powerful new Oath of the Gatewatch cards!

Feb 1 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Effectiveness of Conditional Removal in Oath of the Gatewatch Sealed oath of the gatewatch
The Effectiveness of Conditional Removal in Oath of the Gatewatch Sealed

Does it make sense to main deck flyer, artifact, enchantment, or land removal in Oath of the Gatewatch sealed?

Jan 29 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for The Effectiveness of Low-Toughness and Power-Dependent Removal in Oath of the Gatewatch Limited oath of the gatewatch
The Effectiveness of Low-Toughness and Power-Dependent Removal in Oath of the Gatewatch Limited

Examining the effectiveness of 1-2 damage removal spells and power-dependent removal in Oath of the Gatewatch Limited.

Jan 28 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Financial Review of Oath of the Gatewatch: Rares finance
Financial Review of Oath of the Gatewatch: Rares

We know from history how the value of Rares from a set break down. Where do the Gatewatch Rares fall?

Jan 27 | by SaffronOlive
Image for This is That: Oath of the Gatewatch this is that
This is That: Oath of the Gatewatch

Jake Stiles discusses the card design of each card in Oath of the Gatewatch.

Jan 26 | by Jake Stiles
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack Unboxing unboxing
Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack Unboxing

Join me as I open an Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack!

Jan 23 | by mtggoldfish
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack Giveaway giveaway
Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack Giveaway

Win an Oath of the Gatewatch Fat Pack!

Jan 23 | by mtggoldfish
Image for 13 Oath of the Gatewatch Decks by Kenji Tsumura standard
13 Oath of the Gatewatch Decks by Kenji Tsumura

We've transcribed 13 OGW decks by Kenji Tsumura posted on the Hareruya twitter account.

Jan 22 | by mtggoldfish
Image for Lessons from the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease: Sealed Pool Construction oath of the gatewatch
Lessons from the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease: Sealed Pool Construction

Lessons in sealed deck construction in Oath of the Gatewatch and thoughts on cards.

Jan 22 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Lessons from the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease oath of the gatewatch
Lessons from the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease

An Oath of the Gatewatch prerelease pool and some observations on the format.

Jan 20 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Printable Price Sheet + Prerelease Resources oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Printable Price Sheet + Prerelease Resources

Grab a printable OGW price guide and other resources for your pre-release!

Jan 15 | by mtggoldfish
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Intro Pack Decklists oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Intro Pack Decklists

Complete decklists for all five Oath of the Gatewatch Intro Packs.

Jan 14 | by mtggoldfish
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Removal oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Removal

A comprehensive table of all the removal available in Oath of the Gatewatch.

Jan 14 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Compact Release Notes oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Compact Release Notes

Compact release notes for Oath of the Gatewatch.

Jan 14 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Financial Review of Oath of the Gatewatch: The Mythics finance
Financial Review of Oath of the Gatewatch: The Mythics

What does the financial future hold for the Mythics of Oath of the Gatewatch?

Jan 13 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Commander Review: Oath of the Gatewatch Part 2 (Green, Multicolored, Artifact, Colorless) ogw commander review
Commander Review: Oath of the Gatewatch Part 2 (Green, Multicolored, Artifact, Colorless)

Find out which new Oath of the Gatewatch cards are worth picking up for Commander in Part 2 of this set review.

Jan 13 | by Tomer Abramovici
Image for Commander Review: Oath of the Gatewatch Part 1 (Lands, White, Blue, Black, Red) ogw commander review
Commander Review: Oath of the Gatewatch Part 1 (Lands, White, Blue, Black, Red)

Reviewing the best new cards from Oath of the Gatewatch for Commander (Lands, WUBR).

Jan 12 | by Tomer Abramovici
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Instant-Speed Tricks oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Instant-Speed Tricks

Table of tricks by color and manacost for Oath of the Gatewatch.

Jan 12 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for The Expected Value of Oath of the Gatewatch finance
The Expected Value of Oath of the Gatewatch

How much value can you expect to open from a box of Oath of the Gatewatch? How do Expeditions shift the numbers? Let's see!

Jan 11 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Compact Spoiler oath of the gatewatch
Oath of the Gatewatch Compact Spoiler

Printable compact spoiler for Oath of the Gatewatch.

Jan 11 | by Sameer Merchant
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Spoilers: Limited Review for January 7 ogw limited review
Oath of the Gatewatch Spoilers: Limited Review for January 7

Smashing records for the weirdest Instant and the most expensive mana ramp. Come check out Thursday's Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers!

Jan 8 | by Jake Stiles
Image for Oath of the Gatewatch Spoilers: Limited Review for January 6 ogw limited review
Oath of the Gatewatch Spoilers: Limited Review for January 6

Goblins and Elves and some neat common Surge cards. Come check out Wednesday's spoilers!

Jan 7 | by Jake Stiles

Displaying Article 1 - 30 of 41 in total

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