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Smashing records for the weirdest Instant and the most expensive mana ramp. Come check out Thursday's Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers!
Goblins and Elves and some neat common Surge cards. Come check out Wednesday's spoilers!
Unplayable rares and ridiculous mythics, let's talk about more OGW spoilers!
Three mythics, a blinking Eldrazi, Gideon's Oath and many more OGW spoilers today!
Check out the second enchantment in the Oath cycle and the weirdest creature land ever! It's Limited review time!
A new Ally for 5-color decks and a Legendary enchantment! Let's check them out!
Jake reviews Wednesday's collection of Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers.
More Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers and their impact on Limited!
Jake discusses the first batch of new cards and mechanics in Oath of the Gatewatch.
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