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Take a peek at the official Dragons of Tarkir Ultra Pro supplies
This week in MTG news: DTK Narset and Sarkhan, Double-Faced Planeswalkers, Battle for Zendikar, GW Devotion
The crew discusses week one of Dragons of Tarkir spoilers.
This week in MTG news: Tempest Remastered, Dragons of Tarkir Spoilers
Special guest Rolle, the man behind the Limited Analysis data on MTGGoldfish, joins the podcast for a limited extravaganza.
This week in MTG news: FTV Angels, Elspeth vs Kiora Giveaway, MTGGoldfish YouTube
The crew discusses From the Vault: Angels, the Hasbro Financial Report, and PVDDR's take on Modern.
Just how good is the upcoming Duel Decks: Elspeth vs Kiora? @SaffronOlive and I battle it out in this playtesting video.
A fun combo/control budget modern deck: Mono U Tron!
This week in MTG news: Elspeth vs Kiora, Hasbro Financial Report
The crew discuss everything Modern in light of Pro Tour Fate Reforged and give their expectations and theories for Magic Origins.
Pro Tour Nicol Bolas Funko Pop! and Ugin Playmat.
This week in MTG news: Pro Tour Fate Reforged Decklists, Magic Origins reveal.
Fate Reforged Top 8 Decklists
The crew discusses the upcoming modern Pro Tour and touch upon the Magic Online release events.
This week in MTG news: Tiny Leaders and New Decklists
The crew discusses the new Standard metagame in light of SCG DC and the new up and coming format Tiny Leaders.
This week in Magic news: B&R Update, Fate Reforged Standard Decklists, New Modern Decklists
The crew discusses how the Banned and Restricted announcement will affect Modern and Legacy, and what to expect with card prices.
This week in MTG news: Fate Reforged Intro Packs, Magic Swag, and Promos
Chaz, Richard and Seth cover the results of Modern GP Omaha, the upcoming B&R update, and some tips for the Fate Reforged prerelease.
A sneak peek at the official Ultra Pro supplies for Fate Reforged.
Visual guide to combat tricks and other shenanigans in Fate Reforged.
This week in MTG news: Fate Reforged Pre-Release / Clash Pack, new Podcast, Deck Editor
Video tutorial on how to get started on Magic Online for $20.
Join Chaz, Richard and Seth in the first official MTGGoldfish Podcast as they cover Fate Reforged Spoilers.
This week in MTG news: Fate Reforged Spoilers, Promo Updates, Fatpack Giveaway
This week in MTG news: Ugin the Spirit Dragon, Holiday Cube
This week in MTG news: Fate Reforged Spoilers, MTGO Promos, SuperBrew
This week's recap of MTG news: Morph Rule Change, Sidisi Whip, Jeskai Tokens.
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