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This Week in Legacy: Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 14

Howdy folks! It's time yet again for another edition of This Week in Legacy! I'm your host, Joe Dyer, and this week we're taking a look at the latest Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy event held The Guard Tower. In addition we've got our first look at post-Sticker ban Challenge events from Magic Online. It is worth noting that the 64 player Challenge from this past Sunday did not fire, making it the second one in a row that has not fired.

Without further ado, let's dive right in!

Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy 14

This past weekend was yet another awesome Buffalo Chicken Dip Legacy event. This one was held over at The Guardtower in Hilliard, Ohio, due to a scheduling conflict with BCDL's normal home store of The Warp Gate. This event as always looked well attended and well ran by our good friend Rob Wilson and newcomes taking over Carey Banyas/Matthew Strand (due to Rob's impending move, Carey and Matthew are taking over the Ohio branch of BCDL). I unfortunately couldn't make it out for this event, but it looked like a good time!


Overall this event had 52 players which really seemed like a stellar turnout! The prizing as always was super sweet with first place netting a Revised Underground Sea and their name on the golden chicken trophy. The event was also streamed with coverage, which you can find in the embed below:

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

RUG Cascade was the most popular deck of the event and it actually had a really solid win rate. Red Stompy also did very well in addition to Red Painter decks. The bogeyman of the format in UB Reanimator didn't do so hot here overall.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing Player Name
RUG Cascade 1st Carey Banyas
Black Stompy 2nd Matthew Strand
Red Stompy 3rd Cole Roskwitalksi
Death and Taxes (Yorion) 4th Roland Chang
Red Stompy 5th Garrett Widman
Cephalid Breakfast 6th Michael Darby
Grixis Delver 7th Dominic Maddalena
8Cast 8th David Diehl

Honestly a pretty reasonable Top 8 here. Quite a few Stompy decks, but it was RUG Cascade in the hands of Carey Banyas that won.

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This is a solid looking list. I have always especially enjoyed Mystical Dispute in these lists as more often than not a one mana counterspell.

The other finalist here was Matthew Strand on Black Stompy.

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Very powerful looking deck here. The ability to leverage Leyline/Helm alongside Beseech the Mirror is quite good.

Much thanks to Rob for all his hard work on these events! Now have a picture of him and a few hot dogs.

Legacy Challenge 32 5/15

The first Challenge of the week to talk about was the Wednesday event. This event had 53 players in it based on the data collected by the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here. Due to not having Match Up Round data for this event, we only have metagame share to go off of.

UB Reanimator was the most popular deck of this event by quite a bit. Other popular decks were Red Stompy, RUG Delver, and Beans.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
UB Reanimator 1st 2radMTG
Cradle Control 2nd Oppa
UB Reanimator 3rd AFX
Red Stompy 4th ice_nine_BIGAN
UB Reanimator 5th hermanomlg
Oops! All Spells 6th faultedform
RUG Cascade 7th alzalacapitano
BR Reanimator 8th Magic_Dads71522

Quite a bit of UB Reanimator in this Top 8. In fact it was the winner of the event.

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Not much really changes here with this deck in a post Stickers world. It's still a very strong deck and continues to have good matchups against the field.

In Second Place we had Cradle Control.

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A one of Saga in this deck is quite spicy honestly. Combined with the fact that the primary target is just Lavaspur Boots, which is superb. I am digging this list for sure.

Also in this Top 8 we had Oops.

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We're going to be talking about this deck much more in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that. This is a solid looking list overall though.

Legacy Challenge 32 5/17

The second Challenge was the Friday night event. This event had 46 players in it thanks to the data collected by the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

Red Stompy was actually the most popular deck here, a deck which was definitely poised to take over the Red Ancient Tomb time slot from Goblins. It's win rate wasn't stellar here though, as UB Reanimator did exceedingly well, as did RUG Delver.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
UB Reanimator 1st _Batutinha_
UB Reanimator 2nd TheGrimLavamancer
BR Reanimator 3rd Magic_Dads71522
RUG Delver 4th 2plus2isfive
RUG Delver 5th _INF_
Red Stompy 6th yPrincipe
UB Reanimator 7th hermanomlg
Doomsday 8th bja

Lot of Reanimator here still. In fact the finals was a pair of UB Reanimator.

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The cool thing about the Second Place list here is that juke of Triumph of Saint Katherine in the sideboard, which is pretty cool overall. Also Pest Control seems quite good here in both lists.

At the bottom of the Top 8 we had Doomsday.

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Spoils of the Vault is a super duper sweet card here. I am digging it.

Legacy Challenge 32 5/18

The next Challenge to talk about is the Saturday morning event. This event had 45 players in it thanks to the data collected by the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

RUG Delver was the most popular deck here, and it's win rate was reasonable enough. UB Reanimator had a very strong win rate, while Red Stompy rode the 50% line.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
RUG Delver 1st _INF_
UB Reanimator 2nd kenjinsakura
Dimir Scam 3rd Oceansoul92
Doomsday 4th Azerate218
UB Reanimator 5th fuya
Stoneblade 6th musasabi
Red Painter 7th kanican
BR Reanimator 8th sandahl123

Still a bit of Reanimator, plus just a lot of Grief in general. RUG Delver was the overall winner of the event though.

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Price of Progress in the sideboard is super sweet, especially with all the Ancient Tomb decks around now. Seems quite good.

In Second Place we had UB Reanimator.

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Stern Scolding is kind of a neat card, it does counter quite a bit of things. Pretty interesting really.

Further down the Top 8 we had a neat Orzhov Stoneblade deck.

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Scam Blade? StoneScam? You figure it out.

Legacy Challenge 32 5/19

The final Challenge event of the weekend was the early morning Sunday event. This event had 55 players in it thanks to the data collected by the Legacy Data Collection Project.

You can find all of the decklists for this event here and the data sheet here.

UB Reanimator was the most popular deck and it had a strong win rate overall. Both RUG Delver and Red Painter looked quite good. Red Stompy also did quite well.

Let's take a look at the Top 8.

Deck Name Placing MTGO Username
Stoneblade 1st Trohck
Red Stompy 2nd SiL3nTGoaT
UB Reanimator 3rd xfile
UB Reanimator 4th hermanomlg
Lands 5th Z4YN
UB Reanimator 6th kasa
RUG Delver 7th MAFS
Mystic Forge Combo 8th SoggyCheerios

Very interesting Top 8 here. At the end of the event it was YORION ESPER STONEBLADE that won.

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This deck is hot. Ephemerate, Cryptic Coat, even Assimilation Aegis? This is so freaking cool.

In Second Place we had Red Stompy.

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Carnage Interpreter is one heck of a spicy inclusion here. Discard your hand and investigate FOUR TIMES? Seems sweet.

At the bottom of the Top 8 we had Mystic Forge Combo.

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Oh this is a pretty cool list. Monoliths and Keys and Paradox Engine! Love it.

Around the Web

  • Maxtortion joins Eternal Durdles! Check it out here.
  • James Kisau has a video on Grixis Control. Check it out here.
  • Eternal Glory Podcast is GOBLIN DEEZ BANS! Check it out here.
  • The Legacy Gambit asks if Maverick is the fairest deck in Legacy. Check out the answer here.
  • MahfuzVanGogh is doing some sweet Satoru Dredge. Check it out here.
  • StrassDaddy is making some galaxy brain maneuvers with Cabal Therapy. Check it out here.

What I'm Playing This Week

I took a stream week break last week because of some personal life stuff. I'm hoping to be back to a stream this weekend (either Friday or Saturday night) with this cute little gem of a deck given to me by Discord user Jasmine of the MTGLegacy Discord. Keep an eye out at!

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The Spice Corner

Now that Leagues are posted throughout the week, let's find some Spice!


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Azorius Vial?

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Take Death and Taxes, and make it Scam.

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Wrapping Up

That's all the time we have this week folks! Thanks for continuing to support the column and join us next week as we continue our journey into Legacy!

As always you can reach me at all my associated links via my Link Tree! In addition I'm always around the MTGGoldfish Discord Server and the MTGLegacy Discord Server.

Until next time!

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