Single Scoop: Why is Selesnya So Buff? (Explorer, Magic Arena)
Everything in our deck is all about making big buff beefy threats and triggering Fight Rigging along the way!
At the end of the day, we're just a fair beat em down deck! We're all about just making big beaters and piling on from that point. We don't even need to win with Fight Rigging as some games will just be an easy win with a Verdurous Gearhulk. But of course, we also can't turn down a Titan of Industry if the opportunity presents itself as we can potentially shield a big beefy body!
I think the deck is definitely weak to any removal heavy deck like Control but sometimes we just run away with a massive body. However, the deck is extremely fragile and definitely worse than the Sultai rigging variant. This is just for those who want to play a different counter heavy deck ... he he he.
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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger