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Single Scoop: Pile of Planeswalkers (Historic, Magic Arena)

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I do love my planeswalkers so naturally when my Twitch Chat asked for a superfriends deck, I delivered! This deck is absurdly greedy but are we really playing Magic if we aren't just a little greedy?

$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Our wincons are the best things Magic has ever invented, Planeswalkers! I've always loved them so if I can play a deck that spams Planeswalkers, I'm in love. The deck should be loaded with enough Planeswalkers to constantly have a threat to play. The deck does suffer from a very color-heavy mana base but we're hoping all of our sweepers can help us live long enough to ignite our sparks and win with the snowballing advantage until we get an ultimate off. Because we're so loaded with walkers, we do lose to a pure control deck as they're loaded with counterspells. We are hoping that they draw their wrong half as they are also loaded with sweepers and creature removal! Speaking of creatures, we aren't entirely without creatures...

$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

We've got creatures that can also be Planeswalkers! We're trying out Mila, Crafty Companion as it's a fun way to punish our opponents for attacking our Planeswalkers! The Lukka half is definitely a bit weak as we don't run many creatures but maybe we can return a Yorion or Bolas? Of course, Nicol Bolas, the Ravager is the gem that we all know and love by now. He's a solid body with an extremely powerful planeswalker side. These creatures can help us close out the last bit of much-needed damage in the event an opponent doesn't respect our ability to win through combat.


By no means is this deck tier 1 as it has some glaring holes and weaknesses, but my inner Crimmy (I'm coining this term now) just loves jamming big Planeswalkers! Luckily, best-of-one lends itself to a more aggressive meta, thus meaning our sweepers are welcomed. We are extremely low on spot removal but I think that's just the deal we're gonna have to accept! If you've got a collection of Planeswalkers and want to try to play a superfriends deck, best of one is the format!

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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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