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Single Scoop: Lands Aren't That Important, Right? (Historic, Magic Arena)

Some people want to just see the world burn and today we're going to try to do just that. My favorite counterspell is the one that we don't have to cast because our opponents will hopefully be stuck on mana all game. We're going to set the lands ablaze!

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Our early game plan is to basic check our opponents with cards like Cleansing Wildfire and Goblin Ruinblaster. Recently, I've seen a ton of 4C midrange and three color decks that run maybe two to three basics and that gives us a ton of potential to punish their greedy mana bases. 

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We've got the MTGArena classic land destruction package in Remorseful Cleric + Fall of the Thran. The cleric helps us exile all of the lands we've blown up from our opponent's board. This pairs quite nicely with Fall of the Thran as we'll be the only one that can return lands to our battlefield! 

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The way we're going to win our games will be from our Chandra package! We don't need lands to activate the abilities of our planeswalkers so after we've cleared the board of all real estate, we start ticking away with our planeswalkers.


The deck is far from competitive but it is a lot of fun for those who want to basic land check the field. This is a deck I dust off once every month for pure evil and chaos but it rarely wins against aggro as we are just too slow and durdle for way too long. However, the goal behind a land destruction deck isn't to win, it's to send a message to all of our opponents! 

If you ever want a deck to be made into a video feel free to leave a like, comment, email, and subscribe to MTGGoldfish and MTGGoldfishCommander on Youtube!

-Your Friendly Neighborhood LandAvenger

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