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Single Scoop: Izzet A Wizard? (Historic)

It's been a minute since we've played some Wizards and I can definitely get behind the idea of a counter and burn playstyle so I figured we could see how well it fares in a Historic Best of One league!

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The deck plays a tempo play style that we know and love.

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We try to play a few Wizards on board and try to take advantage of cards like Spell Pierce and Ionize to make them waste their resources to answer our threats. A good amount of our Wizards will have haste and evasion so we force opponents to have instant speed answers. 

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On top of our counterspells and little magical Wizards, we also have other means of closing out the game when the opponent has dealt with our creatures.

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We have a solid amount of burn between Shock, Lightning Strike, and Wizard's Lightning. I did throw in a singleton copy of Hidetsugu's Second Rite; this way we only need to get the opponents to ten health before we can close out the game, and I'm sure most people won't be expecting the Second Rite. Is the card actually good? Probably not enough to play more than one. However, it is a fun card that can steal a game every now and then.

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Our biggest concern will be Shark Typhoon as a shark bigger than 3/3 can be tough to deal with outside of spending two burn spells on it. Because of a card like this, I went and added Brazen Borrower as a way to give us a body and a clean way to deal with the big shark token. 

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A card that you see missing is Curious Obsession as the number of open decklist spots are limited and as much as I want the value, I think we need more couterspells as the format just has too many things that absolutely can't resolve against us. This may not be right and I'll definitely look to try different builds of Wizards but this is my first iteration of the list.


The deck finished with a 5-2 record and I can see us really struggle against Mono Red and Mono White. We also got demolished by the Bant Acuity deck as it just gained way too much life. The deck in a Bo1 format is able to get the jump on people and having the Hidetsugu's Second Rite was funny but I'm wondering if we can squeeze more copies of card draw like Curious Obsession as the deck can gas out quick. If not Curious Obsession, I could see The Royal Scions being another solid way to loot and pump our threats even more. Of course, we also have Chart a Course and Thrill of Possibility. Lastly, if life gain is that much of a concern, I could see us throwing Rampaging Ferocidon. Other than that, the deck was a lot of fun with some crazy explosive starts.

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As always, thanks for watching. See ya at the next one! 

If you ever have a deck you want to be made into a video feel free to leave a like, comment, Email, and subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel 

-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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