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Jake Stiles calculates the odds on some Magic Origins cards
What Magic Origins cards have been creeping their way into legacy?
Join me as I open the exclusive San Diego Comic Con Magic Origins pack containing the all-black promo planeswalkers!
Delve into data! We have 58K games of Magic Origins Limited data to sift through!
What exactly is inside the Deck Builder's Toolkit? Should you buy one?
Which decks performed best at #PTOrigins? @SaffronOlive breaks down the data on the biggest Magic event of the summer!
Pro Tour Magic Origins Top 8 Decklists
SaffronOlive breaks down his likes and dislikes from the first day of Pro Tour Magic Origins with the help of some deck lists and videos.
Check out some of the new brews from Day One of Pro Tour Magic Origins
Pro Tour Magic Origins starts tomorrow! SaffronOlive talks about some decks and cards he'll be keeping an eye on this weekend.
Jake Stiles talks drafting the enemy colored pairs in Magic Origins Limited
Jake Stiles discusses the five ally pair limited archetypes in Magic Origins
Saitou's 10 new deck brews for Magic Origins.
The complete decklists with prices for the new Clash Pack and Intro Packs from Magic Origins
Tomer wraps up his review of Magic Origins' best cards for Commander.
Tomer shows why Magic Origins is a love letter to Commander
@SaffronOlive is back with the final part of his financial review of Magic Origins to discuss the black cards and reprints from the set.
SaffronOlive discusses the financial ramifications of the Magic Origins in part two of his set review.
Jake Stiles reviews the last batch of Magic Origins spoilers before July 3's final reveal
A new take on Thirst for Knowledge and a Giant with Renown 6! Check out the Magic Origins spoilers for July 1.
Jake Stiles reviews Magic Origins spoilers for June 30 including 8 new Rares!
Green Warp World and Blue Bitterblossom! Check out the new Magic Origins spoilers!
SaffronOlive breaks down the first week of Magic Origins spoilers financially in part one of his review of the set.
Elves! Elves everywhere! Jake Stiles reviews Magic Origins spoilers for June 26.
Jake Stiles reviews Magic Origins spoilers for June 25 including the last confirmed Planeswalker
Between childhood and renowned comes college. Professor Saffron send the flip-walkers thought a series of tests; who will make the grade?
Jake Stiles analyzes the newest Magic Origins spoilers from June 24
Timetwister! Demonic Tutor! Dark Ritual! Jake Stiles reviews Magic Origins spoilers reminiscent of these classic cards.
Magic Origins spoilers for June 22 reviewed by Jake Stiles
SPOILER ALERT! Jake Stiles reviews the first big batch of Magic Origins spoilers.
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