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Fish Five-0: The Most Charming Deck in Standard

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The general idea of the deck is to obliterate our opponents with enough damage from our burn spells. Maestros Charm and Invoke Despair will be our main win conditions as the damage over time should help us close out.

$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Don't worry about the spells themselves being used as we have Invoke Calamity to cast them again and we even have Galvanic Iteration to double the spells. We could potentially kill by tripling Maestro Charm's "Each Opponent Loses 3 Life" option! The deck pilots like a spellslinger deck as we hope to burn our opponents down. 


The deck has tight decision trees as we have to maneuver how much to fill up our graveyards as Go Blank can hose us along with graveyard hate so be careful to not fill your yard with too many spells. We don't play any clean sweepers like Doomskar so try not to let boards build up too much. Lastly, our opponents gaining a ton of life can be a nuisance so keep an eye on our opponent's health! Otherwise, this deck is an absolute blast to play if you're a spell slinger.

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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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