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Commander Clash S4 Episode 7: Iconic Masters

Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. This week, in celebration of the release of Iconic Masters, we're each playing a deck built around one of the reprinted commanders in the set! With Tomer away, Seth fills in as host, doing his best Tomer impression. Here's what we've got:

  • Tom builds around Dragons, but with a secret hidden deck building restriction, headlined by Bladewing the Risen
  • Jennifer tries to build a friendly version of one of of Commanders least-friendly commanders Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
  • Richard decided he wants to play without a hand, building around Malfegor
  • Seth had so much fun playing XXX Stompy on Against the Odds he decided to run back Rosheen Meanderer Commander style

Let's get to the videos so you can see which Iconic Masters commander is best! First, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Post-Game Thoughts

Poor Jennifer, Jin-Gitaxius, Core Augur is a scary commander, so everyone attacked her first (although this was partly because she drew enough ramp to cast her 10 mana commander on turn four), and even though she tried to build in a way that wasn't that scary, it's tough to sell the rest of the group on the fact that you buit a friendly Jin-Gitaxius, Core Augur deck. Otherwise, Tom's deck was surprisingly powerful, especially considering his "all Core set" restriction, while Richard was pretty close to sneaking out a win, but Waste Not and Megrim made him look much scarier than he actually was, leading to his demise. As for my deck, it wasn't doing anything fancy, but Rosheen Meanderer is powerful enough to make a lot of semi-bad cards good. While it's probably only somewhat competitive, it's really fun to play!

Next Week

Commander 2017 has finally made its way to Magic Online, so next week well be playing the preconstructed decks right out of the box! As always, we love to hear from you guys! Tell us what you think of the games and suggestions on themes or anything else you'd like to see in future videos. You can email me at or tweet me @BudgetCommander.


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