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Commander Clash 25: Uril, Marrow-Gnawer, Mangara, Mishra

Hello and welcome to another Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. We're ditching the deckbuilding restrictions for this week and bringing to the table whatever sweet deck we want to play with. Let's see what we've got:

We've got a lot of variety for this video! Can you guess who will snatch victory this time? Let's find out! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest. Apologies for the sound quality in this video; my microphone volume has been corrected for future videos!


Seth's Deck (Uril)


Richard's Deck (Marrow-Gnawer)


Jake's Deck (Mangara)


Tomer's Deck (Mishra)


Post-Game Thoughts

Look at the cards! You cannot auto-yield, you must look at them! Are you looking??? YOU'RE NOT LOOKING! YOU HAVE ANGERED THE MTGO CLIENT! WORTH SMASH! SMAAAASH!

Worth Wollpert wins this time.

Magic Online fail aside, I really enjoyed my deck this week: Mishra, Artificer Prodigy gets to play a whole bunch of janky, unknown cards, and makes them look amazing. As a rule of thumb, I hate Chaos cards like Possibility Storm in Commander unless the player is taking advantage of them somehow. Chaos for the sake of chaos sucks, slowing the game to a crawl and frustrating everyone else at the table. Mishra turns that chaos to your advantage, however, breaking the symmetry of those cards by putting the artifacts you cast into play, while everyone else is severely hampered by your lockdown. That's the theory, at least—I didn't expect Seth to take advantage of the situation by drawing a billion cards!

The deck had so many ways to take advantage of Mishra's trigger! Possibility Storm, Planar Chaos, Blood Funnel, and Nether Void. I've never played a deck like this before! Plus it's an Artifact deck at its core, which I enjoy immensely. This is a deck I highly recommend trying out and I hope I can revisit it in a future Commander Clash or Budget Commander.


Next Week: Elder Dragons!

We're going back to the roots of Commander, also known as Elder Dragon Highlander, and building decks around the original Elder Dragons! In the lore, Nicol Bolas triumphed in the war of the elder dragons, but can he win in this rematch? Find out next week! As always, we encourage you to leave us a comment on this article, on YouTube, or on Twitter @BudgetCommander. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, be it thoughts on the game, ideas on how to improve the series, or suggestions for future themes; we read all of them and bring them up in discussions. Thanks for watching!

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