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Single Scoop: Harmonious Tokens (Standard, Magic Arena)

I was shown a pretty sweet list over the weekend and I had to try it out for myself. Shoutout to @Fireshoes for sharing such a sweet list! We took their list and tried it in the best of one queues as it's been awhile since we've played with Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast and Harmonious Archon

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The deck doesn't run creatures outside of four copies of Harmonious Archon but looks to go wide with an army of tokens!

$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

The deck has a decent amount cards that help us accelerate into our friendly Archon. A few of those are cards that have been forgotten recently but it's time to dust off our Transmogrify and Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast. That's right! Lukka didn't rotate just because Agent of Treachery got the ban hammer. To be honest with you, I don't think Lukka has ever been more than another Transmogrify as I don't feel like I've ever used his +1 nor have I ever seen an ultimate for Lukka. Of course, both of these red cards require us to have a creature so how does our deck generate targets for us to speed our way into an Archon?

$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

We need to make sure not to have other creatures so our Transmogrify and Lukkas always hit Archon. With that in mind, we've included a ton of token generators like Forbidden Friendship, Omen of the Sun, and Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis. All these cards generate us a few dinky 1/1s that look to grow into 3/3s. On top of that, Elspeth has Escape which will be relevant against our Rogue matchups.


The original deck was meant for best of three and I can definitely understand why as we do have some awkward matchups. If a deck is able to answer our Harmonious Archon, the deck feels pretty weak. I assume with a sideboard, we'll be able to load ourselves up with more threats as opposed to an army of 1/1s. However, The deck was a blast to play and we were able to pilot the deck to a 5-2 finish. With Kaldheim spoilers still coming in, we'll have to see if there are any new things for Lukka to cheat into play. If not, maybe the tokens archetype will get a boost? Either way, thanks Fireshoes for the list! Let us sit back and enjoy spoiler season as I hope we get new cards and decks to shake up the Eldraine heavy meta! 

If you ever want a deck to be made into a video feel free to leave a like, comment, Email, and subscribe to MTGGoldfish and MTGGoldfishCommander on Youtube!

-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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