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Tiny Leaders is the hot new format on the block. SaffronOlive walks you through Tiny Leaders and its financial implications.
@SaffronOlive breaks down the decks and number on Fate Reforged from the SCG D.C. Top 64.
@SaffronOlive catches you up on the crazy price movements of the past week.
@SaffronOlive breaks down the most important banned and restricted announcement in years.
@SaffronOlive discusses some non-FRF cards that he will be targeting in trades this prerelease weekend.
@SaffronOlive crunches the numbers and tells you just how much value you can expect to open in a box of Fate Reforged.
@SaffronOlive breaks down the mythics of Fate Reforged.
@SaffronOlive discusses the potential of Soulfire Grand Master with the help of some surprising comparisons.
@SaffronOlive discusses the two big Christmas announcements: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and fetches in Fate Reforged.
@SaffronOlive discuses how flashback drafts impact card prices just in time for the cube-paired Urza's and Mirage block drafts on MTGO.
@SaffronOlive crunches four years of data on sealed booster boxes to see if they're worth long-term speculation.
@SaffronOlive discusses the implications of the Modern Masters 2 (2015 Edition) announcement.
@SaffronOlive returns with part two of Cognitive Bias in MTG Finance and discusses some more ways to save yourself from your mind.
@SaffronOlive talks more psychology in MTG Finance, this time with the help of Cialdini's weapons of influence.
@SaffronOlive applies psychology to MTG finance by discussing a few common cognitive biases that are eating into your profits.
@SaffronOlive discusses everything about the difference between vendor buy/sell prices, with the help of oodles of stats and numbers.
@SaffronOlive looks to the past with a review of Mirrodin block in Part One of his "A Financial Review of:" series.
@SaffronOlive tells you what you should be buying and selling now as a result of the Commander 2014 spoiler.
@SaffronOlive discusses the price trajectories of casual cards and the windows for buying these cards to make big profits down the road.
@SaffronOlive uses example from THS and RTR to find seven Khans cards that could increase in price while the rest of the set drops in value
Saffron Olive discusses the foundations of vintage and tells you why now is the perfect time to buy in.
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