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Image for The Steps to Making (and Vetting) a "Call" finance
The Steps to Making (and Vetting) a "Call"

How do you know what cards will spike next? How do you judge "expert" advice? @SaffronOlive lays out his step-by-step process.

Jun 12 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Preparing for Rotation: Born of the Gods preparing for rotation
Preparing for Rotation: Born of the Gods

@SaffronOlive is back with the next installment of his preparing for rotation series discussing sells, holds, and buys from BNG.

Jun 11 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $57 (7 tix) Modern Blistering Rage budget magic
Budget Magic: $57 (7 tix) Modern Blistering Rage

Looking for a cheap deck for GP Charlotte or your Modern FNM? @SaffronOlive has a suggestion: Blistering Rage!

Jun 8 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Using Your Tools: Buylists, Spreads, and Foil Multipliers finance
Using Your Tools: Buylists, Spreads, and Foil Multipliers

@SaffronOlive discusses how best to make use of some of the financial tools recently added to MTGGoldfish.

Jun 5 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $52 (22 tix) Modern Mono-Red Creature Storm budget magic
Budget Magic: $52 (22 tix) Modern Mono-Red Creature Storm

Looking for something different in Modern? @SaffronOlive shows off one of the cheapest Budget Magic decks yet - Mono-Red Creature Storm!

Jun 4 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Preparing for Rotation: Theros preparing for rotation
Preparing for Rotation: Theros

With rotation creeping around the corner, @SaffronOlive discusses Theros cards to sell, hold, and buy.

Jun 2 | by SaffronOlive
Image for How Wizards Manages its Savings Account finance
How Wizards Manages its Savings Account

@SaffronOlive discusses reprint equity, supplemental products, and the budgetary constraints of set design.

May 29 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $93 (33 tix) Standard UR Mindswipe Counterburn budget magic
Budget Magic: $93 (33 tix) Standard UR Mindswipe Counterburn

In this week's Budget Magic @SaffronOlive shows off a control deck built around the neglected counter Mindswipe.

May 28 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Six Odd MTG Moneymakers finance
Six Odd MTG Moneymakers

@SaffronOlive discusses six odd MTG items that have more value than most people think.

May 25 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $22 (7 tix) Pauper UB Teachings Control budget magic
Budget Magic: $22 (7 tix) Pauper UB Teachings Control

In this week's Budget Magic, @SaffronOlive delves into the Pauper format with a UB Mystical Teachings Control deck.

May 22 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Future of Modern (Masters) finance
The Future of Modern (Masters)

@SaffronOlive explains why the MTG finance community needs to think of Modern like Standard rather than Legacy.

May 20 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Selling Cards: eBay vs TCGPlayer vs Buylists finance
Selling Cards: eBay vs TCGPlayer vs Buylists

While buying cards is great, you need to sell cards to realize a profit. @SaffronOlive tells you how.

May 15 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $70 (21 tix) Modern Eminent Domain budget magic
Budget Magic: $70 (21 tix) Modern Eminent Domain

In this week's Budget Magic, @SaffronOlive shows off a U/R Eminent Domain land control deck for Modern.

May 14 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Expected Value of Modern Masters 2015 finance
The Expected Value of Modern Masters 2015

How much value can you expect to open from a Modern Masters 2015 box? @SaffronOlive breaks it down.

May 11 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Modern Masters 2015: Initial Winners and Losers finance
Modern Masters 2015: Initial Winners and Losers

@SaffronOlive has some initial impressions on MM2, along with a discussion of variance in opening boxes.

May 9 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $97 (38 tix) Standard Abzan Rally budget magic
Budget Magic: $97 (38 tix) Standard Abzan Rally

@SaffronOlive shows off the power of Rally the Ancestors combo in Standard.

May 7 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Collection Buying 103: Selling a Collection collection buying 101
Collection Buying 103: Selling a Collection

@SaffronOlive concludes his collection buying series with a picture journal of buying and selling a huge collection.

May 6 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Set Prices, Reprint Rates, and MM2: Mirrodin through Dissension finance
Set Prices, Reprint Rates, and MM2: Mirrodin through Dissension

@SaffronOlive continues to look at reprint rates and set prices, this time in the very first sets legal in Modern.

May 1 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $175 (67 tix) Standard Wg Prowess budget magic
Budget Magic: $175 (67 tix) Standard Wg Prowess

Looking for something different and not too expensive to play in Standard? @SaffronOlive breaks down his new favorite deck: Wg Prowess.

Apr 29 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Exploring Set Prices, Reprint Rates and MM2 finance
Exploring Set Prices, Reprint Rates and MM2

@SaffronOlive discusses reprint rates, set prices, along with taking a stab at deciphering the supply of Modern Masters 2015.

Apr 28 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Playtest: Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck video
Playtest: Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck

Richard and Seth playtest the new Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck.

Apr 23 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Drafting for Value finance
Drafting for Value

Limited is fun, but it can also be very expensive. @SaffronOlive give you some tips for drafting in a value conscious manner.

Apr 21 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Risk Management: Modern Masters 2015 finance
Risk Management: Modern Masters 2015

Since saving money is just as good as making money, SaffronOlive discusses risk management with Modern Masters 2015 on the horizon.

Apr 17 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $97 (22 tix) Modern Infinite Pili-Pala budget magic
Budget Magic: $97 (22 tix) Modern Infinite Pili-Pala

In this weeks Budget Magic @SaffronOlive runs through some matches with an combo deck build around Pili-Pala and Grand Architect.

Apr 15 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir: By the Numbers finance
Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir: By the Numbers

What decks and cards performed well? Which ones faltered? @SaffronOlive breaks down the number on #PTDTK.

Apr 12 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Quantifying a Pro Tour Top 8's Effect on Prices finance
Quantifying a Pro Tour Top 8's Effect on Prices

In preparation for #PTDTK, SaffronOlive figures out how much value a card can gain from making the Top 8.

Apr 10 | by SaffronOlive
Image for MTGO Finance for the Paper Financier: Speculation and Redemption finance
MTGO Finance for the Paper Financier: Speculation and Redemption

Playing Magic Online isn't for everyone, but @SaffronOlive explains the MTG finance benefits of MTGO for paper financiers.

Apr 8 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $45 (7 tix) Modern Restore Balance budget magic
Budget Magic: $45 (7 tix) Modern Restore Balance

@SaffronOlive takes you through some matches with Restore Balance, perhaps the cheapest deck in Modern.

Apr 7 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Good Specs, Bad Specs, and "The Process" finance
Good Specs, Bad Specs, and "The Process"

How do you judge the success of your purchases? How do you decide what cards to buy? @SaffronOlive has some ideas.

Apr 4 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Week One: Dragons of Tarkir By the Numbers finance
Week One: Dragons of Tarkir By the Numbers

This weekend was the first chance for DTK to shine in Standard. What saw play? What didn't? @SaffronOlive breaks it down.

Mar 31 | by SaffronOlive

Displaying Article 3451 - 3480 of 3521 in total

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