Playtest: Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck
Are you on the fence about buying the new Dragons of Tarkir event deck? Come watch Richard and I battle it out - first with the out-of-the-box event deck, and than with $5 of upgrades - before making your decision. As an added bonus, Richard answers some pressing questions like "should I be playing Fleetfeather Sandals?" and "is Polukranos, World Eater really that much better than Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass?" Our upgraded lists are posted after the videos, but if you want to see the original deck along with card prices and other info, make sure to check out the Dragons of Tarkir Event Deck Page. Finally, just a quick reminder that if you are looking for more video content, make sure to subscribe to the Official MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to get all the latest and greatest.