Mono-Green Control vs Evelyn vs Greven vs. Zedruu | Commander Clash S12E16
Welcome back to Commander Clash! This week is Anything Goes, where we ignore any weekly theme restrictions and play whatever we want! Seth is busy this week so Crim joins us to add a little Grixis back into the group! Here's what we've got:
- Phil is looking for revenge with Greven, Predator Captain
- Richard sees if Mono Green can play Control with Arasta of the Endless Web
- Crim sticks to his brand of Grixis, Vampires, and Theft with Evelyn, the Covetous
- Tomer is looking to annoy his opponents while ultimately not accomplishing much with Zedruu the Greathearted
Phil's Deck
Richard's Deck
Crim's Deck
Tomer's Deck
What Are You Playing On?
We're playing Commander on a program called Magic Online. If you're interested in Magic Online, then check out my Commander-focused guide to the program over here!
What's the Banned List?
This season, we are using the official Commander banned list with no house bans.
Next Week: IT'S A SECRET!