Exploring with Grixis Midrange
With Explorer finally getting a ranked queue, It's time to dive into pioneer lite. A card that I've found to be a power house in Pioneer is Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. I've been begging for this card to hit arena as it's one of the premier creatures at four mana as it can take over some games. Since we're lacking Kalitas, I wanted to try a first draft of Grixis Midrange.
Dark Dwellers combined with Kolaghan's Command can grind our opponents out quickly when combined with all of the other spells we've got. A spell that I'm liking a lot is Maestros Charm It's been extremely helpful in Pioneer in a format where Red deck is pretty efficient. The Lightning Helix is a welcomed mode as Grixis can always use a little bit of life gain. The spell is able to help us dig for something while filling up our graveyard for Dark Dwellers to flash back. Of course, there's also the removal aspect.
I think the list is definitely rough as it still is in need of a few changes but I think the base skeleton of the deck is there. I think not including any Fable of the Mirror-Breaker is wrong. With a midrange deck like this in Best of one, we definitely need to tune our list to deal with cheese like Tibalt's Trickery so I think we should jam more discard spells and fully try to empty our opponent's hand out.
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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger