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Commander Clash S9 E4: Planeswalker Signature Decks | Chandra vs. Garruk vs. Oko vs. Teferi

Hey friends, welcome back to Commander Clash!  Planeswalkers are a major theme in Core Set 2021 -- and every set in recent memory but especially here -- with the featured planeswalkers getting special themed "showcase" versions of associated cards and Chandra even getting a signature spellbook product. So we thought it'd be fun to do Planeswalker Signature Deck week, where each of us build a thematic deck around a specific planeswalker! Here's what we've got:

  • Crim may not be able to play his beloved T3feri in most formats anymore, but he can still bust it out in Commander with a Teferi Tribal deck led by Niambi, Esteemed Speaker
  • Richard bucks the trend of picking a well-supported planeswalker and instead builds Oko Tribal, which is really an amoosing Elk Tribal deck led by Edric, Spymaster of Trest
  • Seth summons a horde of beasts and pumps them into game-ending threats with a Garruk Tribal list led by Storrev, Devkarin Lich
  • Tomer goes full Mono Red Superfriends, playing a Chandra Tribal deck with 15 Chandras led by Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh

Did Crim sneak in Counter Top into this deck too? How many Oko cards are there anyway?  Find out now in this episode of Commander Clash! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Crim's Deck (Teferi)

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Richard's Deck (Oko)

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Seth's Deck (Garruk)

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Tomer's Deck (Chandra)

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Our House Bans

In addition to the official Commander ban list, the following cards are banned on our show:

These additional bans are done to promote games that are more consistently enjoyable for our viewers. 

Next Week: 5 Tix Challenge!

Can you build sweet Commander decks on Magic Online for only 5 event tickets? Yes, absolutely, and we're going to prove it next week! Each of us has built a deck with a budget of only 5 tix -- which is exactly the same amount that Cardhoarder gives away for FREE with their new 5 ticket loan account program! Check it out!

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