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Commander Clash S3 Episode 25: Seth Week (Season Finale!)

Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. We've reached episode 25 and decided that now would be a good time to end the season. With each season comes a shakeup in our roster, and starting next season, Richard will be returning to the regular cast and Seth will be stepping out. This week we're sending off Seth in style with Seth week, where everyone builds the most "Seth" deck possible. Here's what we've got:

The decks are super sweet and the game is super long, which is fitting for Seth Week! Hope you enjoy this season finale! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Tom's Deck (Tazri)


Jennifer's Deck (Nahiri)


Tomer's Deck (Atraxa)


Seth's Deck (Angus)


Post-Game Thoughts

It's weird having Seth leave the regular cast for a season. He is our durdly player who found the most absurd combos and win conditions that I've ever seen in a game of Commander, from drawing the game with Divine Intervention to killing the table with a Mono White Goblin Charbelcher deck. We share a love of drawing cards over other trivial things like attacking or winning the game. Most of all, I'll miss our abusive "friendship" throughout the matches. But roster changes are good for the series, bringing fresh interactions, and I do look forward to getting crushed by Richard's janky tribes again. With Seth rotating out, I'll be the last person of the original season to not have sat out, so maybe I'll take a break the season after too.

Seth will still show up in Season 4, of course, much like Richard would sub in throughout Season 3. Hopefully we'll get to see him take a win with Darksteel Reactor; I tried to pull it off this episode but never drew into it.

I think this episode was one of the best, though obviously I'm biased. The longer the game goes, the more tired we get, and it seems that tiredness correlates with hilarity. I was shocked at how well Jennifer's deck functioned, locking out the board, running indestructible threats or planeswalkers that dodged board wipes, the Skullclamp + Nahiri, the Lithomancer engine, etc. Easily the most cards drawn for a Mono White deck in the series. Tom's deck was just a wonder to behold, and kudos goes to Seth for his amazing Against the Odds decks but also Tom's ability to take many different decks and merge them into something that synergizes well. Finally Seth, despite not drawing as many cards as he'd like, still saved the table multiple times by being the responsible person that runs plenty of interaction.  And I think my deck was sweet, too! All around good stuff.


Next Week: Bonus Stream!

This was the Season Finale, but this coming Wednesday, September 27th at 6:00pm EST, all of us will be live streaming a bonus game of Commander Clash where we build decks around the new Ixalan commanders. You can watch any of our POVs as we stream the game through Twitch. If you don't catch us live, you can still watch a recording of the game which will go up some time later in the week. 

We will be streaming on our Twitch channels:

  • Seth:
  • Tom:
  • Jennifer:
  • Tomer:

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