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Commander Clash S3 Episode 11: Movie Night

Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. Tom is off on vacation, so taking his place for two games is Richard! To celebrate Richard's (temporary) return, we're going with super janky themes, starting with Movie Night, where each deck is built around a movie. Here's what we came up with:

  • Richard is ready to kick butt and eat pizza with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles deck led by Atogatog
  • Jennifer follows the yellow brick road to victory with a Wizard of Oz deck led by Rubinia Soulsinger
  • Seth showcases the deadly sins that were the inspiration of the movie Seven with Karona, False God
  • Tomer holds the narrow pass of Thermopylae with a 300 deck championed by Anax and Cymede

The decks are super janky and super flavorful this week, so grab your popcorn for a long and entertaining viewing experience! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Richard's Deck (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Jennifer's Deck (Wizard of Oz)

Seth's Deck (Seven)

Tomer's Deck (300)

Post-Game Thoughts

This game was one giant flavor win. All the decks were super thematic and got to show off pretty much all the movie tie-ins. Which deck do you think was the most flavorful? Let us know in this quick poll! 

I was very impressed with Anax and Cymede: the list has plenty of non-optimal card choices like Akroan Phalanx for flavor, but it still performed very well despite all the hate at the table. I was always a turn away from taking out the entire table with a big board state and Breath of Fury, but unfortunately I kept eating board wipes before the lethal attack step. An optimized list can easily be made for very cheap, making it an excellent candidate for a future Budget Commander article. Let me know if you'd like to see that!

Next Week: Anything Goes!

We were going to play a game of Planechase next week to celebrate Planechase Anthology, but unfortunately the format is bugged on Magic Online and unplayable at the moment (#justmtgothings), so we're doing Anything Goes instead. We got some sweet decks in store that I can't wait to show you! As always, we love to hear from you guys! Tell us what you like to see, what you don't like, any ideas that we can put forward for future videos, or anything else you'd like to tell us! You can reach us in the comments section below, email me at, or tweet me @BudgetCommander.

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